About Me/Bio

About Me

Patricia Minson aka Grey Hen With a Pen and writing as Rachel Steel

Grey Hen With A Pen
About Me Stories


Photo Hannah Nielsen 2023

“You never know who you’re inspiring or uninspiring. People notice more than you think.” Amaka Imani Nkosazana


Hello. Welcome to my ‘About Me’ page. My name is Patricia, I live with my husband and dog in the suburbs of a small port, in the county of Cornwall, in the far South West of England. I’m a former Adult Education Tutor and Funeral Celebrant.

I’m a versatile writer. As well as writing fiction and creative non-fiction, I enjoy penning articles, essays, memoir, short stories, art reviews and opinion pieces. I am currently 40,500+ words into a roman-á- clef a hybrid biographical novel, and I’ve just completed an 80,000+ romantic novel.

I am a member of a critique group honing my poetry skills. I was delighted when in November (2022) my poem ‘The Memories I Never Had’ was printed in the Popshot Quarterly magazine. My poem ‘Borrowed Shoes’ was featured in the October 2023 issue of Writing Magazine.

My focus during 2023 was to enter a wide variety of writing competitions in the hope of adding a win or two to my writing C.V. (and earn a little prize money). My short story ‘The Sky Is Always Blue’ was one of 25 out of 424 entries shortlisted in the Wells Literary Festival competition — and a further five of my short stories were short-listed during 2023. This trend has continued in 2024 with several of my pieces being shortlisted, sadly I’ve yet to win that elusive prize!

If you enjoy reading my writing please shout me a coffee using the link below:

My writing credits on Medium

One of the 1000 most read writers to receive a $500 bonus from Medium members (April 2021)

‘Distributed’ writer of fiction, articles and poetry

Designated ‘Top Writer’ in Fiction (2019); ‘Top Writer’ in Short Story (2019); ‘Top Writer’ in Poetry (2020)

Owner of these publications

Ink Thinks: on the art and craft of writing

The Hen’s Teeth: a hotchpotch of articles and more

Blogarhythms: articles on modern music and the music industry


Please take time to stop by, read some of my work. Check out my lists, you may find something that will interest you.

Follow me and I’ll follow back, and sign up to receive an email each time I post something new and interesting.

I welcome your comments/observations. I shall look forward to reading your work too.



Grey Hen With A Pen
About Me Stories

Patricia Minson write poems, short stories, and articles on a variety of subjects from Art & Writing to Spirituality & True Crime.