About Me — Anshuman Bezborah

Anshuman Bezborah
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2024
#That’sMe #Vienna #Schönbrunn #MyPosingSucks

Who am I… ?

Someone who has a lot to say — I have stories to tell, thoughts, ideas, observations and experiences to share, jokes to crack, fears, concerns and worries to talk about, knowledge to show off, achievements to brag about, disappointments to whine about… the list is infinite. I want to rejoice, rant, celebrate, vent — in short, an enormous amount of clutter, waiting to be let out of my system, which can sometimes be too overwhelming to the limited audience I have, otherwise known as “friends and family”. So here I am, to distribute my clutter to a much wider audience— the medium family :) .

Photo by Annie Vo on Unsplash

Someone who fits the stereotype (?) — your typical Indian dude with an engineering education, who works in the tech industry, a product of overprotective upbringing, who speaks with an accent, enjoys spicy food, loves Bollywood (I prefer calling it “Hindi cinema” these days) and socially awkward! Stereotypical enough?… On a slightly serious note, one of the reasons I am here on Medium is to break or challenge some of these (gender based, race/ethnicity based, nationality based .. ) stereotypes.

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

Someone who dreams a lot — whether it’s a brief snooze or a long night’s slumber, I dream every single time, without fail! Some of my dreams are so vivid that sometimes I struggle to distinguish, whether a certain recollection is from my actual past or from one of my past dreams. While excessive vivid dreaming could be a sign of stress, on the bright side, I have accumulated a plethora of such recollections (though sometimes in bits and pieces), enough to be used as inspirations for my future stories here on Medium.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Someone who had tasted failure — I took a break from my stable career in Singapore and moved to Poland to pursue (rather develop) a super expensive hobby — flying Cessnas! And as the heading suggests, things didn’t go as planned. The “project” took much longer than expected/planned and ended with a fiasco — a completely broke me (with my life savings back then fully exhausted) without the coveted flying license in hand. This failed endeavor and the fallout that followed, taught me “probably” a decade worth of life lessons in just a couple of years. The survival through this dark phase (in terms of mental health, finances and career)and the subsequent journey of healing/recovery has been quite a ride so far. My awareness about the self as well as the world around me today, is worlds apart from the version of me prior to this setback. I intend to dive deeper into these lessons learnt, in the stories that are currently in the pipeline.

Once upon a time in Warsaw

Someone who doesn’t fit the stereotype (?) — in my opinion, for a man of Indian origin in his mid-late thirties, I don’t quite fit the stereotype. I mean, I have failed the “ideal son” test and successfully disappointed my Indian parents by staying unmarried past the so called marriageable age, by not accumulating the right amount and the right kind of material possessions and wealth that an Indian man of my age is expected to possess, by not contributing to the world population and in general by doing things I want/like/love, instead of the ones I am “supposed/expected to”.

Photo by Dennis Anderson on Unsplash

Someone who celebrates the misfits — I consider myself lucky to have known many such individuals, who just like me, had successfully failed the “ideal son/daughter” test and dare to live life in their own terms by going against the traditions, norms and the set formulas of the society. They are the unsung heroes whose inner struggles and wins are invisible to the outside world. These are the warriors who continue to thrive, despite the constant attempts by the people around them to bring them down by reminders like, “your struggles, sufferings and pains are the consequences of your defiance”. These are also the brave-hearts who overcame the taboo and didn’t shy away from seeking professional help, when their mental health needed some attention and care. I intend to celebrate their struggles and wins and derive inspirations from them, through my stories here on Medium.

Photo by Quan Nguyen on Unsplash

What more I can say? Well, if you have arrived here, I would like to thank you for reading! I shall pin some of my future stories here. Any feedback on the content and improving the writing style are very welcome!:) And if you’re interested in knowing how I earn my bread, here’s my LinkedIn.



Anshuman Bezborah
About Me Stories

Ex-SW Engineer (Embedded Software)| Current Product Manager (Automotive Software) | Wannabe Writer | Strong interest in Geopolitics, History, Psychology, Tech..