About Me — Aparna Muktibodh

Books, coffee, and travel. Weaving life’s lessons into my writing.

Aparna Muktibodh
About Me Stories


Image by author

The Little Me

“Shy.” “Reserved.” “Weird.”

Loves reading but is uninterested in academic work. Learns to write the English alphabet on her own at less than 3 years of age.

English and geography are my favourite subjects in primary school. Memorised all the capitals of the world and their rivers. (Budding travel writer here…).

Girl Interrupted

Big escapist dreams in high school and also mental health problems.

No one to confide in, no one to help.

Feel unseen. Feel like a misfit anywhere I go. Life is painful. It hurts just being alive.

Age 16: I survive


A big girl now, can chase ambition but don’t know how to care for myself — for the little girl I was. Mean to do well but behaviour in 20s typified by self-harm and self-sabotage.

Made a ton of mistakes, paid the price. Finally, at 42, I’m wise enough to appreciate myself and my journey.

A Writer at Heart

