About Me — Aria Dailee

Professional geographer, budding developer, and writer

Aria Dailee
About Me Stories


A picture of me, Aria, sitting at a table with a voting booth that says “Vote from home booth 2020.”
Picture of me voting this year using an at-home voting booth (haha)!

Hello, everyone! I started writing on Medium in October 2020. Funny enough, I thought about starting in 2018 but decided against it. At the time, I didn’t think people would like my writing or even care what I had to say. However, I’ve had a change of heart and decided to give it a try. I’m really excited to start on this journey!

I’m a first-generation American. My parents immigrated to the United States from the Caribbean and met in New York. My father, unfortunately, passed away in 2020.

I’m a former online tutor with an educational background in geology (BS), geography (BA), and cartography (MS). Now, I’m a mineral commodity analyst by day and a writer by night! I love making maps, so I hope to incorporate a few in future articles.

I enjoy researching and in-depth about a variety of topics, including introspective personal essays, self-help, climate activism & sustainability, and tips about whatever skills she’s recently learned.

I’m one of those strange people that finds learning and working fun. I’m always learning new skills. Right now I’m working on refining my graphic design and web and app development skills.

My Current Personal Projects:



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