About Me — Ashton McHardy

Sales consultant/ coach — 10+ years selling high ticket marketing services — simple sales content for founders and entrepreneurs.

Ashton McHardy
About Me Stories
3 min readJun 24, 2024


My fiance and I at a waterfall at Raglan, New Zealand

Full transparency!

It’s been a while.

A good ten years since I’ve done any proper writing. And it’s been a lot harder to get started again than expected.

However, I do have one cute little excuse. My first child (a boy) arrived two weeks early, and our jealous cat keeps forcing himself on my lap just as my fingers hit the keyboard.

I’ve made a promise to myself that I’ll only get better from here :)

So, a quick spiel about me? Here goes!

Young me?

Me on Sugar Loaf reserve hill, taking a photo looking over Napier in New Zealand.

My childhood started in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Nestled on the East Coast of the North Island. Well known as being one of NZ’s best wine-producing regions, and also home to Napier — AKA, the Art Deco capital of the world.

Outside of school, I spent a lot of my time surfing, powerlifting training at the gym, and having fun with friends. I also worked two jobs from the age of 14.

Funnily enough, I studied sport science at university and began my career in Wellington (NZ) as a personal trainer for 2 years. I actually got the opportunity to put some of the cast from the Hobbit films through their paces too during some private PT sessions.

Then I packed my bags and moved to London for a further 2 years to continue personal training and travel the UK and Europe. I guess you’d call this my big OE!

Me competing in a team crossfit event.

Although I don’t use my degree or do personal training anymore, I still like to keep active, and the skills I learned have helped me greatly with my successful career in sales (more on that soon).

Current me?

Me with son in arms and my cat on my lap

Current me is feeling quite old reading about young me.

As of writing this, I’m a 34-year-old Sales Director living in Melbourne and employed for the past 5 years with one of APAC’s most reputable outbound B2B lead generation agencies (J2 Group).

Outbound lead generation (for those who don’t know) is a form of marketing which involves contacting businesses and prospects directly, whether it’s through phone calls, direct mail, emails, or social channels like LinkedIn.

You’re more than welcome to add me on Linkedin here if you feel connecting is worth your while — https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashton-mchardy/

For the past 10 years, my career has largely evolved around B2B sales in the marketing and advertising space, selling both inbound and outbound advertising solutions in this time, to some of the world’s biggest brands — Aon, Sharp, F45, Square, Liferay, Opentext, and more.

I’m now a father of one amazing little man and am also engaged to my wonderful partner in crime, whom I’ve been with for the past six years.

Future me?

This is where Medium comes in.

I’ve always liked the thought of regularly putting out quality content.

Medium was the clear winner, the lowest barrier to entry, and the simplest to get started. No studio or cameras required.

My goal is to write one quality article on B2B sales per week, directed towards founders and entrepreneurs alike, to help them with all things sales and solutions to problems that I see our clients face on a daily basis.

I’ll be covering proven revenue-generating strategies, free resources, trainings, advice, and everything in between.

If you have any content ideas around sales, I’d love to hear them — please reach out to me directly at me@ashtonmchardy.com

Thanks for reading.



Ashton McHardy
About Me Stories

Sales/ Entreprenuership/ Lead Generation - 10+ years selling high ticket marketing and sales services - ashtonmchardy.com - J2group.com.au