About Me — Aurelia Bliss

Hi everyone! It’s time for karaoke!

Aurelia Bliss
About Me Stories


The author sees herself for you.

“Who am I?” is surprisingly the hardest question ever. When I was asked to write an “About Me” article I mulled over just how to do that in the best manner that gave a complete picture. I like telling stories directly from my experiences as autobiographical vignettes. Certain experiences jump out and demand attention, and when they do I give in to them. But a more global picture of myself? Whew — I was stumped.

So, terrified of writer’s block, a song began running through my head, Meredith Brooks’ “Bitch.” I’m sure you’ve heard it. It was part of the soundtrack for the movie “What Women Want” with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. I always liked the song, always thought it was catchy. For some reason, it’s one of those tunes that pop up as an earworm from time to time. And here it came again to save the day.

I was driving back from the grocery store and words describing myself started scrolling and before I knew it I was singing my words to the tune of her song. Ever get an idea and need to write it down? Well, that’s not so easy when you’re driving so I sang and sang until I got home and then in the driveway, I scribbled everything onto an old envelope before it all evaporated.

Please read the following with the riff from “Bitch” playing in your head. I guess I could have…



Aurelia Bliss
About Me Stories

I write nonfiction, fiction, and sort-of-sort-of-not fiction. Whatever I'm writing at the moment is always me giving a peek. Top writer in Humor and History.