About Me — Betty

About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2021

It’s tricky to describe the essence of a person over pen and paper- err- I mean keyboard and platform. I’ll try. Not to say that I am so exquisitely interesting I can’t be described, more so that I do not think you can really understand the essence of anyone without knowing them. So, about me?

The best adjectives to accurately describe me would include passionate, hardworking, stubborn, old fashioned, opinionated, fierce, sometimes angry and a farm girl at heart.

I have been keenly aware of the whisper that my life is since I was born. I was born near Seattle, Wa in a city called Tacoma. Within 9 hours of life I was having open heart surgery at Seattle Children’s hospital. My alphabet of diagnosis is long — seven different heart defects to be exact — and matching lung disease called pulmonary hypertension. I’ve since had 2 more heart surgeries, five lung procedures (my latest was two months ago) and my gallbladder removed — a grand total of 9. I will continue with these “maintenance” surgeries in order to live a quality life, hopefully free from 24 hour oxygen use.

I don’t like to use my heart condition as an excuse or conversation topic for everything, but there is no denying the humungous impact it has had on me. Since my childhood of continuous hospital stays and surgeries mixed with my Christian upbringing, I’ve been propelled forward to make my short time on Earth count. I love Jesus Christ and do my best to serve Him, though I often fall short.

Due to my knowledge of how life short is, it has motivated me toward not wasting time. I do everything in a hurry and I’m inpatient. This is not always a good thing but it has driven me towards my bucket list in a hurried fashion. Most people have a long list of “shoulds” or “wishes” but never get there. I’m not going to be like that. These are the bucket list items I have accomplished at age 27.

  • Got Married age 20 (still happily married)
  • Moved into the mountains in a cabin on acreage
  • Became a practicing counselor
  • Skilled horseback rider and owner
  • Visited Yellowstone and Hawaii
  • Fostered kids
  • Went on a missions trip in a 3rd world country

My two remaining items are to become self sufficient and publish a book.

I’m a passionately invested in my full time job as a substance abuse counselor. The story of how I ended up as an addiction counselor when I have no substance history my self is a story for another day. I love my job fiercely and get to meet the coolest people.

My spare time is spent riding my horse, writing, reading, working on my property and killing plants (Gee, I wonder why self sufficiency has eluded me so long?)

Last thing you should know about me. I’m a crazy cat lady.

