About Me — Blanca Sánchez

Unveiling My World: A Journey of Words and Wonders

Blanca Sánchez
About Me Stories
3 min readJun 20, 2023


In a world brimming with stories waiting to be told, I am a wordsmith, a dancer, and a free soul on a mission to ignite the hearts and minds of my readers. Welcome to my universe, where I invite you to embark on a magical journey through life.

Photo by the author

Where are my roots from?

I come from a beautiful town in the south of Spain. This means I’ve grown up surrounded by the sun, the sea, and the friendly and caring way of the people there. This made me live happily and open to life in so many ways.

I practiced a lot of different sports until I found my passion for dance and the same I did with my writing. I read so much while I was a kid, which gave me the incredible opportunity to develop my inner wonderland.

Now that I’m 22, I can say I’ve been writing privately for almost five years and this is the year for me. 2023 is changing my perspective of life for the better.

I cannot keep my gifts for myself anymore! I feel prepared to share my inner world with all of you as I also do on my podcast for my Spanish people.

Do you know what makes me a unique human being?

I am a free soul, a seeker of beauty, and a collector of experiences. Life has gifted me with a treasure trove of encounters, both extraordinary and mundane, and I am driven by an unyielding desire to share this abundance with the world.

As a writer, I aim to uplift, inspire, and provoke introspection, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who dare to venture into my literary realm.

As a dancer, I embrace the language of the body to tell stories that transcend words. I translate emotions into a choreography that whispers to the souls of my audience. Dance is my sanctuary, where I embrace vulnerability, channeling the ebbs and flows of life’s melodies.

The conjunction of both is what took me here. What I pretend is to give myself a new way of expressing everything my soul is constantly creating while giving my readers the opportunity to learn new things or have a new and kindest approach to life.

Through my words, my movements, and my unapologetic spirit; I invite you to join me and celebrate the beauty that surrounds us. Take my hand, and let us embark on this extraordinary journey.

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting” Paulo Coelho.

I love using daily topics you can find anywhere with a completely different perspective to help you dive deeply into them and the way they touch your soul.

As a newborn writer here, I still haven’t shared many articles. If you want a deeper insight into my creative writing, and my dance career, you can start to read me on my Instagram posts.

Writing is not just choosing a good and catching topic with an original title for me. It’s all about the magic you can create with your words. It’s an art.

I see the beauty in the small details and they give me the inspiration to write something new every single day.

Photo by the author

Do you think there’s something more in this world than just the reality we all see?

If so, you’re in the right place and I would love to have you by my side to share our perspectives on each one of my future stories.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


