About Me — Bonnie

An Empath, A wounded healer, with a Chameleon Soul.

Bonnie Cantarutti
About Me Stories


Photo of of myself (and my lil babe sleeping) and Captured by me.

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When someone says to ‘tell me about yourself’, I instinctively go to tell them that my name is Bonnie, I’m 24 years old, English, and living in South Wales, UK. I have a 1 year old child who I’m at home with, without a job, living with my Soul Mate, at the in-laws due to the cost of living crisis, and my conflict between wanting to home ed and be with my daughter, but also needing our own space. I’m studying to be a Counsellor, I’ve been writing since I was a child, am a trained Pregnancy/Post-partum Yoga Teacher, as well as a Hypnobirthing Teacher, who is slowly, in between the nurturing of my little one, and the challenges with finances, is building a Conscious Womb-en and Children Healing Community, and self-publishing two books.

The thing is, the more commitment I put into expressing all that makes me human, the more I speak my truth, the more I build a purposeful Sisterhood, delve deep into my shadow aspects, and reflect on my deep-rooted pain, I’m starting to reflect more on the Q: ‘Who am I really?’ Underneath all of the boxes, in between all of the titles, who am I?

So, here goes.



Bonnie Cantarutti
About Me Stories

Channelling transformation of our human-beingness. Holding space for remembering of the forgotten. Published in the C Word Mag.