About Me — Brandon

A writer who wants you to become the best version of you.

About Me Stories
3 min readJun 11, 2024


if you want to read a short story, drawing inspiration from it and learning life lessons, you are in the right place!

Italian is my mother tongue so as an Italian speaker, I appreciate your understanding if I make minor errors in my articles in the future.😁

The representation of myself with AI

The key word in my life is redemption.

I was born in Italy to a wealthy family. I attended primary and secondary school in my country with excellent results. Then I went to high school, where I got excellent results.

Easy, right?


In fact, during all these years, I was always isolated and excluded from all groups, for no apparent reason. I was always the last to be chosen.

The isolation imposed from above led me to total oblivion.

I hated everything and everyone, I had lost the will to do anything and I became overweight as I consoled myself with food.

Day after day a strong desire for revenge grew within me.

I wanted to show my true potential. I wanted to beat everyone by far in everything.


My life changed drastically, strange but true, thanks to my worst enemy.

In fact, I was scrolling through Instagram when, by chance, I came across a post that contained the following sentence:

“It’s only January and you’ve already given up on this year.”

I remember exactly how I felt at that moment. I relived my whole life of failure and suffering and even imagined the year that was to come.

It was at that moment that I made the most important decision of my life.

I decided to start working FOR redemption and not AGAINST it.

A long time later here I am, smiling, full of energy, at peace with myself, accepted by everyone and with ambitious goals for the future, telling you how devastated I was at the time.

It still hurts, of course, but when I think back on the decision I made, I feel proud.

You can understand why I decided to start writing:

for all those people like me who want to redeem themselves but don’t know where to start, what to do and how to do it.

So my goal is to become a mentor, a leader, a person to be inspired by.

How will i do this?

By writing articles about personal growth, mental health, lifestyle and more. Giving advice based on my vast, deep and solid personal experience (I wanted redemption so badly that I tried everything 😁), but also on proven scientific research.

My message is simple:

Be the revolution you seek. Act now, revolutionize tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my story to the end!

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I would like to leave you with a small but meaningful action, to demonstrate to yourself that you want this change.

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Prove to yourself that you can take action.

Remember: Act now, revolutionize tomorrow.

