About Me — Elias Alcantara

Elias Alcantara
About Me Stories
Published in
7 min readMar 12, 2024

My name is Elias Alcantara you can also call me Elijah but I prefer Elias. I’m a passionate guy I love anything that has to do with the spiritual realm. I want to become a high-standard man. I’m also really creative I have several novels written down but not published. I have 3 goals in this life. One is the visual goal. That is to publish books and novels, movies even. The second goal is the auditory goal which is to form a band, a rock band inspired by Red or Breaking Benjamin mixed with Gregorian chants and orchestras violins involved as well I have already made 3 or 4 songs. I want to make an album called Mase Berishi the mystery of creation. That album is based on spiritual hymns that have to do with deep mysteries. Another album would be The Stones of Fire which is also another thing based on an angelic place in the bible. The other one is resurrection. Based on the afflictions of the righteous every saint mostly based on Jesus suffering and resurrection. The next goal is the physical one. That is to master myself and learn martial arts. Lots of them. And now that I heard medium is a thing I want to earn as much money as possible to help me with this goal. I am the type of man that is somewhat mystical. I have no martial arts experience. However, I’m getting the hang of its philosophy I took some from Bruce Lee and I give him credit for that. But I also mixed it with the bible and the spiritual aspect of fighting. How fighting and anything physically related was always a spiritual thing. It always starts in the spirit then it manifests in the flesh. That’s why Bruce Lee said to be water my friend something along a philosophy named Wu Wei. I mixed this turning the other cheek and a concept I like to call ego-proof. You have to understand that when they get you in the mind with fear and anger you are already lost. Because the battle was always a spiritual one in the first place. It is similar to the Ying-Yang symbol. You are to always remain in balance and always in the light. With no anger or ego intentions like fear. And whenever you defend yourself and strike it is always to solve a problem not to fight.

I haven’t mastered this but I am already seeing the Ying Yang symbol and picturing water mixed with the words of Christ when he spoke to the pharisee about being born again like the air. All of this mixed has made me realize that war is always a spiritual thing this is the art of true warfare. When it is done in spirit and truth. Not in anger or ego and fear. It is like the Ying Yang it is like fighting air you can’t hit it! It is also why in movies you see a guy or in real life you see this man trained in the army calm and has gone through a lot he has gone through enough to know that it is a waste of time to let ego control your mind or to be altered by it. Because then you’ll lose. This guy is at a bar and two ego maniacs go to him to start a fight. The guy has no intentions to hurt anybody. However, the egomaniacs rush at him. The guy isn’t even fighting ego with ego.

He’s fighting water with fire. not fire with fire leave me alone or you’ll get hurt. What I mean is that guy is calm being his authentic self and whenever you see him fighting he’s not even fighting he’s just solving problems. Placing a chair here distracts the other guy. Tricking the person and making him fall off balance is almost you know what not almost exactly like the Ying Yang only with the black part. This means the white dot that doesn’t want to hurt anybody but it is calm and setting everything up in a peaceful matter without fear surrounded by black and then an opening surrounded by white ink but striking hard with the black dot however the intention is peace but you have to strike thus the meaning of the black dot surrounded by white.

I have no martial arts experience but I want to test this philosophical concept out. Just by meditating on the Ying Yang symbol I already see strange moves. I physically want to become a man called the prince of war. I have two fictional characters in my mind. They are two alternative personalities. One is the heavenly fighter. This guy is a peaceful soft fighter similar to Goku in his personality he only fights to knock people out for a little and shows a lot of mercy. There’s the Inferno fighter and this guy’s powers are that he doesn’t rest day and night he feels no pain or ever gets tired he’s like hell on earth those are his powers and he doesn’t show any mercy at all. He’s a forbidden sinister legend and he punishes the wicked he has pulled many one-man armies.

However, when you mix both of them you get the prince of war. The heavenly fighter is the personification of my worship of God If I were to put a name to the trances I go through when I worship would be Heavenly fighter. Inferno Fighter is how I deal with nightmares and nocturnal attacks he’s the personification of how I deal with issues that have to do with the midnight hour also how I face my fears. However, if I were to identify myself I would be the terrestrial fighter and that’s the me that’s on earth.

The terrestrial fighter is the guy that I see in the mirror. A guy with untapped potential and creativity. A guy that depending on his choices in life can either become the heavenly fighter or the inferno. The thing about these personas is that they are alternative personalities. They aren’t even a thing. More like an energy. Just Like God created the darkness and the light is the same thing going on with these two characters the inferno Fighter being Satan the accuser of the brethren and how even Satan himself is a servant of God and has to submit to his supreme Sovereign authority.

How God created both the darkness and the light good and evil and all work together like the yin-yang symbol for a divine purpose way higher than ourselves which brings us to the terrestrial fighter. The thing with these concepts is that they are a system and titles to define these dimensions of thinking. That’s how I describe my mind. The path I chose and my goal to become the prince of war.

A man experienced in a lot of martial arts disciplined and has chosen the path to walk on spikes and doesn’t even feel bad but feels joy in the process. With a smile on his face singing and jumping while stepping in these spikes instead of going through a trail of roses. That’s how I view life. I’m not saying you should do the same but I’m saying that the concept of pain (or adversity) is a mental illusion whenever you feel trapped with no escape this is over there’s no solution I’m finished I give up.

My advice that be that guy who with the power of his mind sings through the valley of spikes and the shadow of death. Ignoring anything that is limiting or limited that comes in your way when I become the prince of war the army I want to be a part of isn’t from this world (note) I’m not generalizing but most armies in this world, not everyone and there are good people everywhere but I would be working for imperfect people that might do bad things sometimes for power and ambition they start wars.

However, the army I want to be a part of is the Angel Armies of the lord of Host it is far beyond any army and it is the perfect army that works for God and goes through something I call angel training where they put you in simulations as if you’re in a false underworld fighting demons and rescuing another human from a spiritual battle praying similar to the book of Daniel.

I want to work for God and start from scrap for him to make me like Enoch if that’s possible if it’s too much and not his will then I’d be a human waiting and meditating waiting for things to change and if there’s such a thing as God changing his mind I am willing to go to the heavenly militia and abandon my humanity if possible it’s is going to break me but I’m willing However it is a hard choice because I have to leave the very ones I love but it is worth it. So I made a bargain with God if this would happen. I want him to take me to the place of heavenly lights and take me there for 7 years and then come back a new man however that’s only if is his will and decision… Thank you for reading this far have a blessed day or night. My name is Elias Alcantara and this was a wonderful pleasant thing to do thank you!..

