About Me — Charlie Lukas

A lot of things are messed up, but words can crack the earth.

Charlie Lukas
About Me Stories


Photo provided by the author

Hello! Welcome to my Profile Page.

Writing an About Me page feels like being in group therapy. When it’s my turn to speak and the therapist asks, “What about you Charlie? Do you have anything you want to share today?” I want to sit there sit with my arms folded, staring at the floor, and respond with, “uhh…pass.”

I’m not keen on sharing myself. But I also know that you can’t connect with anyone or be a good writer until you bear a bit of your soul. I don’t want to isolate myself behind invulnerability. So, here’s a bit about me.


I’m an American, I grew up in Connecticut, and I’m an only child.

People think being an only child makes you selfish, but that’s not true. I’ll tell you this though: not having anyone to play with from one to six years old gives you time to think. Granted, I was probably thinking about how Godzilla and I were a lot alike, or how deeply I could fit my finger in an electrical outlet. But the point is, I’ve been thinking since day one.

When I was a kid, my parents kept a five-foot-tall stack of VHS tapes in our game room. One day, I wanted to watch The Lion King, but the tape was at the bottom of the stack…

