About Me — Chris Dungan

Our problems are different; that diversity should unite us!

Chris Dungan
About Me Stories


Photo by author

My memories — and knowing what my family has done for me — are far more exciting than my bio — or at least it’s easy for me to let that compliment to my family stand, since I’m not used to talking about myself much, even in person. Long wary of online publicity, I only broke my silence because my biggest fear in 2020 wasn’t the virus, but a lockdown on free speech and freedom of association.

But especially with so much written by those with different cultures and experiences (compared to my middle-class Los Angeles upbringing), I can honestly surmise that my attitudes came mostly from intentions before birth and less from how others tried to teach or react to me (though our beliefs were sufficiently harmonious to avoid much conflict).

I sense enough Myers-Briggs fans here and online that my preference for talking about ideas over details will be chalked up to my being an INXP (that’s an INTP/INFP combination, or a designation meant to include anyone who’s an introvert, intuitive and perceiver). Would that the famous NT penchant for brevity translated into a public welcoming of densely packed writing, but I try to adapt. (The header image is an example of cramming maximum info into a small space where it can be seen without scrolling.)



Chris Dungan
About Me Stories

The biggest problem and achievement of this L.A. based data scientist and sociologist is melding so many interests into unique career steps.