About Me — Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire.

Chris Freyler
About Me Stories



So, this is the famed “about me” page I read about?

I was going to read a bunch of pages and see how everyone formatted their “about me.” But then I thought, screw it, I will just write my version and not someone else’s.

I sat for a bit on writing it. I’ve been writing on Medium for ten months now, safe to say I procrastinate, and A LOT!

But really, I was trying to think of a unique way to put a twist on my fucked-up life.

Is that possible?

Nah, so here we go!

I could add some photo-shopped pictures describing a life that doesn’t exist, but that’s not my style. I am more of a truth speaker and reality seeker if that makes sense.

I grew up in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. My childhood was full of trauma, but hey, who doesn’t have some past shit they are dealing with? The problem is many think their Childhood was perfect.

I was knocked around a bit by school bullies and at home. I am not making excuses; what happened is what it is, I accept it, but it has contributed to the life I have created and currently live and work on.

I love to chase distractions and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I’m aware of all the screwed-up shit I am…



Chris Freyler
About Me Stories

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire .Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.