About Me—Dak Vava

Your “symptoms” are your greatest strength

Dak Vava
About Me Stories


Photo of the author taken by a friend

I will trust her once more.

Many words are eager to pour out, but my hands are trembling. I have to type quickly to ease my nervousness.

I want to create a wave.
A wave that belongs to you, to me, and to all INFPs.
I have an idea in my heart, but my mind is blank at this moment, and I don’t know how to express it.

“INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, and describes a personality type known for being idealistic, empathetic, and driven by their values.”

I will trust her once more. In “Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within” she said: “Just write. When you start writing, you don’t need to think.

Write as fast as you can, don’t delete a single word, let all the initial thoughts flow through your fingers and the tip of your pen.

Just trust that those initial thoughts have immense power.”

I will trust her once more: just write.

I am an INFP, someone who used to be extremely adept at socializing and handling various situations with ease; yet, when I completely drop my facade, I find that I can hardly communicate comfortably with anyone face-to-face, not even…



Dak Vava
About Me Stories

Hermes practitioner; exploring the application of spirituality and mindfulness in wealth creation and happiness. Introvert entrepreneur, TedX Curator, M.D.