About Me — Debbie Patskowski

Let’s get to know each other!

Debbie Patskowski
About Me Stories


Kawaguchiko, Japan

Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read about me!

As I’m writing this, it’s a cold, wintry evening in Colorado. Snow squalls have been blowing in and out all day. I ran this morning before the worst of it came through — seven miles on the winding, dusty trails behind my house. In the last mile, the wind started howling, the temperature dropped, and the icy snow brought tears to my eyes as it stung my face. I love a challenge like that, but I’m not crazy, either. I was glad to get back to my warm house and a hot cup of coffee.

Ptarmigan Trail, Colorado

I’ve been a runner for about ten years now. It’s something I do every day, almost without thinking about it. If I did think about it, I probably wouldn’t go out on a day like today. Running is the one thing that’s kept me sane this year (it’s 2020, after all). It gives me time to think and feel and just be.

When I’m not running, I enjoy living in and around books. I’ll read just about anything. I recently finished Piranesi by Susanna Clark. It was magical. I can’t remember the last time a book carried me away to another world like that. It reminded me of what it felt like to…



Debbie Patskowski
About Me Stories

Geoscientist, runner, and writer. I will never stop being curious about the world.