About Me — Deepa Jatson

Mom of two, ex-teacher, homemaker, and maybe a writer

Deepa Jatson
About Me Stories
4 min readOct 11, 2023


Image by author

Who am I?

Is there a person in this world who truly knows the answer to this question? Because I don’t.

I am going through a time in my life right now where I am not sure about anything and maybe it’s a midlife identity crisis, but I think it’s more. And instead of being sad about it, I want to make it an opportunity to discover myself.

My Family

I belong to a very conservative family where I was usually not allowed to go out alone. According to them, I was too innocent to deal with the world outside.

My father even had restrictions on the way I dress. After a lot of arguments, I started work as a teacher, but I had to quit that also because of marriage. It’s been more than 6 years since I was married and even today they are the same as they were before my marriage.

After marriage, which was arranged by the way, I suddenly became responsible for everything.

I was married to a guy whom I had met only once. Expectations from both families were so high, which was not easy to understand.

The pressure of having a baby just after two months of marriage. My life was just getting messed up day by day. My career, goals, everything was just gone.

Now I want to improve my life, get it back on track, and want to be more than a homemaker.

I want to have a specific identity for myself, which is more than a daughter, a wife, or a mother. I am the protagonist of a story where I aim to become a self-sufficient and self-assured woman.

My biggest goal right now is to do something for my family and my kids without compromising my interests or choices. I want to give them the best life, a super awesome life that every kid deserves.

I want to nurture them with lots of love, confidence, and boldness, and want to fulfill their every dream. I don’t want them to face the problems in their life that I faced in mine.

And that will be my most significant achievement in life.

My Hobbies

I love to explore different places. Traveling in groups has always been a favorite of mine. But I only got that opportunity after marriage. I went to some places in India after marriage, sometimes just me and my husband and sometimes with friends and cousins. And now it is again difficult for me with kids to travel.

Other than that, I love to exercise

For me, it’s the perfect start to my day. It gives me a mental piece. As much as I am a fitness freak, I also consider myself a foodie (lover of Indian vegetarian food). Naturally, I love to cook and eat.

I also love action movies. My favorites are Mission Impossible and Fast & Furious.

And if my kids let me, I love to read when I have free time. Recently, I read the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy which basically indicates the importance of consistency in anything for a successful life.

This book makes you feel that you can do everything you want to do with even very small changes in your life.

And that is what I am trying to do.

Why I am writing?

Besides teaching, I used to enjoy writing on occasion. It seems to be the best opportunity for me to share my life experiences here on Medium.

Writing is just not a hobby, it is the best way to express your thoughts even for people who are introverts like me. I am not very socially interactive, so I find my way to talk by writing.

I believe that if you feel like doing something, you should at least give it a try. It’s better than the later regret.

So, I write.


I am a kind of emotional person, deeply invested in relations. I rarely express myself very clearly. I can’t continue the relations of formality, they make me very uncomfortable.

Little things or efforts mean a lot to me. I can’t easily forget the things that hurt me.

God has plans for everyone. Life goes through a lot of transformations, so we have to change ourselves according to the needs of life or the people we love.

Follow me, stay in touch, and be a part of my life’s journey!

See you :)



Deepa Jatson
About Me Stories

I'm a mom with two kids, and I love writing and books. When I'm not busy with family, I'm diving into stories and putting my thoughts on paper.