About Me — Deepti Kannapan

I love wildlife, math, and fantasy, and have way too many interests

Deepti Kannapan
About Me Stories


Photo from author’s collection — it’s hard to get me to smile in photos, but someone managed to!

Origin Story

I’m secretly a Texan. I don’t remember living in Austin, though, since we moved to New York when I was quite young.

I spent most of my early childhood in Ithaca with my parents and grandparents. My sister was born when I was seven. There are lots of creative types in my family, so there was no shortage of encouragement for my interests in writing, drawing, and science.

I remember Ithaca fondly — the treehouse at my preschool, sledding down tiny hills and watching a lot of kids’ science programs.

That’s pretty much all I watched. My grandma sewed me a pink mini-version of Bill Nye the Science Guy’s lab coat at my request.

We moved around a bit, and the biggest move of all was to India when I was eight. I think I took it in stride, but I don’t really like moving.

Academically, I had some catching up to do —the two years of Hindi and the bit of multiplication I was behind by. The challenge of catching up was satisfying when I found I could do it.

Across cultures

The culture shock was another story. The differences in norms weren’t something I could just…



Deepti Kannapan
About Me Stories

Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.