About Me — Dennett

Simply trying to survive.

About Me Stories


Me — photo taken by my granddaughter two years ago

Medium saved me after the 2016 U.S. presidential election. I don’t recall how I found this community. Perhaps, it found me. When all felt desperately hopeless, this became my home and refuge.

Nearly four years later, I own two publications: Weeds & Wildflowers and R.E.A.D.I.N.G. WAR. Weeds & Wildflowers has been the recipient of my attention while R.E.A.D.I.N.G. WAR has languished, but I plan to change that soon. I’m also an editor for SnapShots and House of Haiku.

By trade, I am a contract bookkeeper, a career that serves me well but is losing its luster. Making rich people richer is not what I want for my legacy.

I am officially a senior citizen and love it. Freedom and creativity often arrive in later years. Thanks to the pandemic, I’ve decreased my weekly business work hours from 50+ to less than 25, leaving me more time to concentrate on my writing and photography.

My relationship with writing began when I was nine. We broke up in my 20s, during an earlier marriage when life was too difficult, and we didn’t reunite until Medium staged an intervention.

Photography was a late-in-life interest. I have almost no technical knowledge, but, as a professional photographer once told me, I have an eye. I see photographic opportunities others miss…



About Me Stories

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.