About Me — Desiree Driesenaar

I’m alive! From 2023 into 2024

Desiree Driesenaar
About Me Stories
Published in
6 min readDec 24, 2023


My portrait. Made in AI by my colleague Bee Wild in Night Cafe

As I’ve been writing here since 2019, my loyal online friends know me. I don’t have to tell you new things. I can build on what’s gone before. But my life did transform for the better in 2022, 2023, and now again into 2024.

I live in a rollercoaster of twists and swirls and I’ll give you only some highlights. My work is special and simple. It’s all about complexity sciences and systemic design for world problems. Together with my partner Mike, we founded the holistic science think tank Abundance 4 ALL.

We use the URL Abundanism.com and give our recipes and systemic design models for world change to the world via social media and in professional projects.

Mike and I are the founders because we got so frustrated with the state of the world. We have been busy in this field for decades and finally, we’re seeing progress. So, now it’s time to share the success and failure factors of our experiences. Complexity can be so simple if you have a good goal, choose between the 1000+ interconnected solutions, and start implementing.

What’s up for 2024?

In 2024, you can expect stories from the founding mothers and fathers of our Western sciences, societies, and economies. Greece.

