About Me — Dharmesh Basapati

I am an app developer, writer, and cricket enthusiast.

Dharmesh Basapati
About Me Stories
4 min readOct 19, 2022


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Bio — अनुगच्छतु प्रवाहं (Go with the flow)

I am an App Developer from the profession. An aspiring writer/blogger from life experiences. And a big cricket enthusiast from birth.

I love to travel as much as I want to live my life. But we know we can’t travel all the time, thus to fulfill the gap between travels I love to spend my time on all those things which I mentioned in the first line.

I am an ambivert for sure because people who know me don’t know about me in detail. I don’t know but I am a completely boring person for someone and a completely interesting person for others, how I do it, I still don’t know, maybe that’s what we call ambiverts.

Currently working in an IT company in India as a Senior Software Engineer. And whenever I have time, I switch my tabs to Medium and start writing something.

My App Development Back Story

Back in 2013–14, I got involved in app development in Android in my bachelor’s where we were forced to develop a final-year project in Android or iOS as we are in the top-scoring bunch of the college. Due to financial issues, I chose Android as it was easy and cheaper to set up and work on as compared to iOS.

But then to my surprise and fortune, I started taking interest in app development as I like to design new screens in Android using an XML editor. It was a big thing to develop a final year project on Android as I am completely a newbie in it and need to learn everything first to implement anything.

I still remember my first app was a Cake Ordering App for one of the top cake shops in my locality. It was incomplete and not up to the mark (as obvious) if I see the design and coding standards now after spending 6+ years of my professional career in App Development.

Backstory on Writing on Medium

It’s the month of April 2017, I was sitting on a bus to reach home from my daily routine job and I had just recently then installed this new app called Medium — about which I have heard from Gary Vaynerchuk or others on Youtube.

As cliche as it sounds, I was bored and frustrated from my first-ever corporate job after graduation. And that’s only my first ever job, am I bored too early??

So this pressure of quitting my job and doing something on my own started to rise in my mind and somehow I took the courage and wrote one short article on Medium that evening and published that (a huge moment that was) and shared that with my friends and colleagues. The response was Ok-Ok.

Till today, I have published almost 180+ articles on Medium with all sorts of different genres to test and experiment with myself and my writing. But mostly I write about Android App Development, Life Experiences, Motivation, Improving Writing, etc.

I am still learning this great platform and trying to understand its algorithm which is almost impossible to completely crack.

Love for cricket doesn’t require any backstory

Because every other Indian, I am too mad for watching cricket on television sets especially when we are playing against Pakistan.

I am also similarly mad for playing cricket as well whether it is playing Book Cricket, Gully Cricket, or real cricket on lush green outfields (mostly dusty and sandy outfields in India 😁).

And since I started writing, I am also too excited to write anything about cricket as well because it gives me immense happiness and fulfillment to write what I enjoy and share with my readers.

Some of my earlier blogs on cricket:

My Absolute Favourites

  • Book: Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Author: Gary Vaynerchuk
  • Self-help practices: Motivational Quotes and Videos
  • Cuisine: Anything ‘Paneer’ or ‘Cottage Cheese’
  • City: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Country: India
  • Cricketers: Brett Lee and Virendra Sehwag

I strongly believe in

  • Living life on a practical note.
  • Go with the flow.
  • Spread humor and laughs.

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Kudos !!!

