About Me — Disha Shah

Writer, marketer, and meditator.

Disha Shah
About Me Stories
3 min readNov 2, 2023


Image of the author
Image of the author

Here’s my life story in pointers to keep you hooked and weird facts about me to keep you entertained:

  1. I was as little as 10 when my family had to part ways from a joint family of 10 members. Our lives changed overnight. I was too young to process why it happened.
    To make sense of the calmless chaos, I wrote a short poem. Perhaps that was my first tryst with writing.
  2. I wanted to be a lot of things as a child — a TV journalist, a designer, an air hostess, an acrobat. Thank God none of these manifested!
    I can’t imagine myself being anyone BUT a writer.
  3. Before becoming a professional writer, I freelanced as a professional artist. I participated in a couple of art shows, too.
    In fact, a European bought my first painting in the first hour of my first show!
  4. Along with painting, I also worked as an English Verbal faculty at a higher studies coaching center. I was simultaneously pursuing a Masters in English Literature too. I clearly had too many things on my plate.
  5. During the pandemic, I lost my teaching job. Worse, I had little to no art assignments.
    I was clueless about what to do with my life.

    Out of nowhere, a writing project came my way, and thus began this official affair with words.
    POV: Redirections are masked rejections.
  6. When I was 20, my neighbor coaxed me to attend an Art of Living workshop. I wasn’t interested. But my neighor’s conviction was relentless. I had to give in.
    It would be a severe understatement to say this workshop was a massive turning point of my life.
  7. I have been practicing breath work and meditation for over 13 years now. It’s amazing how the practice keeps me grounded during the good times and anchored during the not-so-good times.
  8. I was never someone who believed in a Guru or a spiritual Master.
    But after having found mine, I cannot imagine my life without Him.
  9. Travel and I don’t get along well. I have an embarrassing track record of falling terribly sick before every trip.
    So much so that if I don’t fall ill before a trip, my family feels astonished.
  10. I’m VERY picky about everything in life — what I eat, who I’m friends with, what I wear, how I spend my time.
    Lately, I have consciously attempted to ease out because being strong-headed has kept me away from fresh life experiences.
  11. Out of the super limited places I have traveled to, Switzerland is hands down my MOST favorite country in the world.
    Funnily, it’s the only place that didn’t make me feel homesick.
  12. I share a strong love-hate relationship with my home country — love for its rich culture, timeless traditions, diversity, and hate for its poor infrastructure and corruption.
  13. Apart from writing, I’m super passionate about teaching people how to meditate so they can handle their minds and emotions better. I feel so fortunate to share this priceless gift with others, especially when our world is grappling with depleting mental health.
  14. If I’m given these two choices — step out, hang out with people, OR stay in and read a good book — I’ll choose the latter. Always.
  15. In these 3 years of writing for various niches, I have realized I absolutely LOVE writing about marketing, meditation, and mental health — the 3 M’s my life mainly revolves around!
  16. That said, I don’t have this entire freelance writing thing figured out, yet. I take each day to learn, explore, and act.

If you’ve read till here, tell me one weird fact about you in the comments.



Disha Shah
About Me Stories

I write about the 3 crucial M's that 'mostly' govern our lives -- meditation, marketing and mental health