About Me — Dog

I Dump Sweet Surprises For You in Medium Comments

About Me Stories


A collage of me, dog, posing in many different places where I travel.

Woof! I am dog. I am a seven year old poodle mix mutt. I was adopted from a foster home. They told my forever human I am a Maltipoo — but we aren’t sure and that doesn’t matter. I am just a good dog with a huge heart!

Today is a good day for this very good dog! Quy Ma of About Me Stories approved me as a contributing writer; that makes me, a dog, officially a writer! I also got an email that I am now approved for the Medium Partner Program! I am so happy and excited!

I still act like a puppy! Everyone thinks I am a puppy. I’m starting to get grey hair on my muzzle, but people think it’s part of my color because I have silly white booty socks on my toes. I am loving seeing so many people all around Medium. I can’t get to all of you fast enough. My butt wriggles and shakes, but don’t be alarmed. I never bite. I try to lick everyone’s face but need to learn, not everyone likes dog kisses. And my breath stinks, more on that below.

I Have 2 Big Goals

First, I need to get my teeth fixed because my breath stinks. My human tries to brush my teeth to stay on top of good hygiene maintenance. But I make it such a difficult job for my human because I wriggle all around. I need to go to the doctor and be put under anesthetic and get a…

