About Me — Dr. Smith, Ph.D

I am Bridging Worlds with Data and Determination

Dr. Never Oblivious
About Me Stories
7 min readJul 8, 2024


Reflecting on my journey: An AI-generated avatar of me in a thoughtful moment.

The Beginning

As I embark on this journey of self-discovery and reflection, I feel it’s the perfect moment to share my unique story with you. Yes, it is probably time. My path has been one of resilience, growth, and a steadfast commitment to pursuing my passions, both personally and professionally.

Growing up, I faced a multitude of challenges that shaped my character and worldview. So, who am I? I have asked myself this question many times. It is the kind of question that can spark both excitement and anxiety. Depending on the context, of course.

This story is just the beginning of the series of posts to help anyone who is navigating their own journey of personal and professional growth, facing significant challenges, or considering a major career transition. By sharing my experiences, I hope to offer insights, inspiration, and practical advice that can help others in their own journeys.

Whether introducing ourselves at a job interview, a networking event, or through our writing on Medium, it’s essential to establish our identity, credibility, and purpose.

Establishing our identity helps us understand ourselves better and connect with others on a deeper level. Establishing credibility builds trust and confidence in our abilities. Establishing our purpose provides direction and motivation in our personal and professional lives.

Readers can expect an honest and reflective account of my life, highlighting the importance of resilience, continuous learning, and the pursuit of one’s passions. Understanding who I am goes beyond my qualifications — it’s about creating an emotional bond with you, the reader, by sharing my story.

Early Life and Background

I don’t remember exactly why, but I grew up curious about the world and with a passion for learning. Don’t we all?

As a child, I was fascinated by reading books, particularly mysteries. I dreamed of becoming a detective, solving puzzles, and uncovering hidden truths. My sense of justice also led me to consider becoming a lawyer, driven by a strong desire to combat unfairness. These early passions for discovery and justice shaped my values and aspirations.

While my childhood dreams didn’t materialise, they instilled in me a deep appreciation for critical thinking, problem-solving, and understanding complex systems. These skills naturally led me to the field of academia, where I could explore my interests in a structured and impactful way.

My pursuit of knowledge and justice evolved into a desire to understand and improve the economic and political systems that shape our world. This is significant because such systems influence nearly every aspect of our society, from individual well-being to global stability.

By understanding and improving these systems, I aimed to contribute to creating fairer, more efficient, and more resilient economies that could better serve people and communities worldwide. I was also driven by the hope that my work could help make this world a better place.

Early Career, Break, and Personal Growth

Driven by a desire to understand complex economic systems, I earned a PhD and gained over a decade of experience in academia. During this time, I tackled various economic issues, quantifying institutions and modelling their impacts on businesses, investments, innovation, economic growth, and more.

My early career was filled with memorable experiences and achievements. I led and participated in significant research projects, resulting in publications and presentations that showcased my expertise and earned recognition in my field. I also developed and taught courses and mentored students, honing my ability to convey complex information and guide others effectively.

But after establishing my career, I reached a significant turning point. I needed to take a break to become a parent. Balancing the demands of academia with my personal life became increasingly challenging, and I realised that I couldn’t fully dedicate myself to both.

What might seem like an easy transition for some was a profound challenge for me: I faced significant health issues that made starting a family a long and very difficult journey. And I chose to prioritise parenting. It was a deeply personal goal that required my complete dedication and focus.

My journey to parenthood was long. It was physically and mentally demanding. It required considerable time, dedication, and sacrifice. Ultimately, it became my full-time job. But I did my job well and, today, I am a proud mother, and every single part of this journey was worth it. Despite the challenges and sacrifices made, this period was a profound lesson in resilience, patience, and determination.

During this journey (which I will share in detail one day), I applied my research skills to navigate the challenges I faced. I immersed myself in medical literature and became well-versed in the intricacies of my condition. By the end, I understood my situation much better than the doctors treating me.

After all, it was my journey and my determination to succeed that kept me going. While the doctors had their expertise, I was the one living through it every day and refused to give up, even when they suggested I should. Following their advice often took me nowhere, which led to a growing distrust.

This self-acquired knowledge was crucial in finding solutions when traditional medical advice reached its limits. It was during this time that I began to see the potential for technology to complement the expertise of human doctors.

The idea of teaching machines to assist in medical diagnostics and treatment intrigued me. My experience sparked my interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), as I realised the immense potential for these technologies to bridge gaps in human expertise and improve healthcare outcomes.

The Transition

At that point, I had no idea how to get into AI and ML. Today, as an AI specialist, I can extract meaningful insights from any kind of data that comes my way. I am also adept at developing highly sensitive and specific ML models using medical images.

My journey has equipped me with skills that I never imagined I would possess. As Albert Einstein once said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” Embracing change has allowed me to grow and thrive in ways I never thought possible.

While I once thought I had missed my chance to get a tenure professorship, I now see that the future holds endless possibilities. My world is truly my oyster now. Though I am not currently looking to return to academia, I have not closed that door entirely.

The Best Decision Made

In retrospect, taking a career break was the best decision I made. This journey has prepared me in ways I never could have imagined, and I am excited to apply my new expertise to create impactful solutions. So, these days, I am focused on bridging the gap between economics and technology.

As a trained applied statistician, it was only natural for me to develop a desire to apply my skills to the field of AI. I have always had a passion for data and wanted to challenge myself by delving deep into a completely different field — computer science.

This transition was driven by my desire to leverage my interdisciplinary expertise to create innovative solutions that address complex problems in both fields. Looking ahead, I am excited to continue exploring new opportunities and making a meaningful impact through my work and writing, sharing my own experiences and insights.

How I See the World

Throughout my life, I’ve been an avid traveller, exploring diverse cultures and perspectives. Originally from Europe, I spent most of my adult life in England before travelling across to explore the Southern Hemisphere. These experiences have broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of global issues.

I’ve learned valuable lessons that go beyond traditional education, shaping my worldview in profound ways. My travels, experiences in academia, and personal journey have taught me that interdisciplinary knowledge leads to greater creativity and innovation.

Stepping outside our comfort zones and exploring diverse subjects allow us to gain unique perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of the world around us. This belief has driven me to continually learn and grow, both personally and professionally.

Empathy, resilience, and continuous learning are core values that guide my life. I strive to understand and connect with others, recognising that everyone has their own unique journey. Resilience has been a key factor in overcoming challenges and achieving my goals. I believe in the power of continuous learning to adapt to changes and drive personal growth.

Writing Aspirations

For years, I have been writing professionally and have often thought about starting a blog to share my insights and experiences. However, the act of writing and sharing can be daunting.

The fear of judgment, the fear of rejection, the quest for perfection, and the vulnerability of putting oneself out there can lead to procrastination. Despite having a lot to share, I hesitated.

But with the recent advancements in technology and the increased accessibility of digital platforms, I am now more motivated than ever to start this journey. I realise the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences.

But the impact it can have on others is significant. Therefore, I am making it a priority to overcome these challenges and share my journey, insights, and expertise through my writing.

Moving Forward

Establishing my identity, credibility, and purpose through writing and sharing my story with you, the reader, is an important step in my journey. This post is just a glimpse into who I am and how I see the world. I am passionate about learning, growth, and making a positive impact.

As I continue this journey, I look forward to sharing more about my experiences and insights with you. Writing and sharing my personal story is a significant step, and I am committed to making it a priority. So, follow me here — I have a lot to share.



Dr. Never Oblivious
About Me Stories

Driven by purpose, not validation. PhD, Business Economics, Data/Computer & AI Scientist on a mission to help you find your passion & use data for innovation.