About Me — Emma Willmer

Hope enthusiast, positive psychology nerd, survivor and productivity geek

Emma Willmer
About Me Stories


Photo Provided by Author

Coincidentally to seeing the call out for About Me stories, I have been reading a book today that has a task for each chapter; today’s chapter ended with writing a short version of my life story, so here goes.

Hello! My name is Emma, and the worst question anyone could innocently ask me is, “where are you from?”. You think it’d be an easy answer, but nope, I do not have a simple response. I’d love to be able to just name a city where my roots are, but I can’t. You see, I’m not from anywhere, I’m one of those military children who moved every few years growing up, and as an adult, I kept going. My roots are not a place; they are my people.

What do I do?
This is also not a straightforward question for me to answer (are you getting the gist that my life is a complicated mess?). I am currently in the process of changing my working life from a paid employee to a Free Range Human (wish me luck). When I get there, I will come back and update this but in the meantime, let’s just dive into the things to know about me.

Things to know about me

  • I am a survivor — I was born unable to breathe and have been fighting ever since, through trauma, divorce and abuse



Emma Willmer
About Me Stories

🌟 Empowering neurodivergent women to embrace confidence & self-compassion. Super-late diagnosed ADHD, now on the autism diagnosis journey 🌸 #YouMatter