About Me — Erickson Lambert

Writer of Short Fiction

Erickson Lambert
About Me Stories
3 min readJun 22, 2024


Image Owned by Author

When I was younger, I always wanted to make my own stories for the big screen. After a lot of research, and slowly understanding more and more of the film buisness, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to make the stories I wanted, in the way that I wanted. It wasn’t until I was 14 years old that Maze Runner hit the screens, and I decided to read the book before watching the movie.

Now, I adored the book, and thought the movie, and subsequent sequels to be good, but they weren’t the most accurate to the books. It was around this point that I realized a lot more can be done in a novel than could be done in film. And so, Erickson Lambert began to come into play.

For the last ten years I have been honing my craft, and looking for a place to share my passion of story telling, and hopefully make some kind of profit. It wasn’t until recently that I came across here. Now I have been double, if not quadruple, checking to make sure any of my stories published remain in my hands, and after feeling satisfied, here I am.

There isn’t much to say about me. I’m just a small town Canadian Fella that loves stories, and Monster of the Week TV Shows. Things like Buffy, Angel, X-Files, Supernatural (Seasons 1–5 anyway), and even things like Sons of Anarchy, Lucifer, and some super heroes such as Hulk (Especially the Bill Bixby rendition), or Swamp Thing have left great impacts on me.

I love to see characters grow, or break over time, and so I can promise my readers that they can expect such from my writings. My short stories will be ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 words (Maybe more if I need it), and although some will be stand alone, I have pages of planning for subsequent series.

My biggest goal as a writer is simple. I want someone to read my story and enjoy it. I know the impact books can have on a person, especially when they aren’t having the greatest day. Some of us read to escape from the way the world is, and for that reason I do not discuss politics, or anything that risks deviding the audience.

I hope to bring a smile to my readers… or to break their hearts (After all, I could be hidding a Red Wedding in the wings), maybe even scare them. I write stories in my personal favorite genres, such as Horror, Fantasy, Action, Sci-Fi, Western, and Drama. I tend to mix them all together since a lot can be done by doing so.

I will be posting at minimum once a month, and more if I am able. If I do not have a story to share, I will instead do a Q&A using any questions from the comments. I could do more, and will do more, although I have absolutely no clue what to talk about. Maybe I could review some of my favorite books, who knows?

I run by a few simple rules. As mentioned above, I never discuss Politics (unless the story specifically requires it in some form, and I can do it without putting too much personal views into it). Quality over Quantity (If it isn’t good enough, it will be shelved until it is). And last but not least, listen to any fans I gain, for they are what I will value most in my journey as an author.

My first story will be a Fantasy inspired by my enjoyment of things like Conan, and Hercules. It will be posted either by the end of June, or sometime in early July. It depends on how fast I can get feedback from Beta Readers, and how fast I can get the main Artwork done.

Thank you for reading this, and my condolences if you thought it was a waste of time to do so.

