About Me — Evan Blacksky

Evan Blacksky
About Me Stories
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2024


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I am Evan Blacksky. Not a name. A process.

What I am is defined by function: A tranquil tactician. A mind engineered for what others fear to touch — real power, real transcendence. My work is simple: to question the architecture of this reality, tear it apart, and build it anew. The Black Sky is where I operate — beyond the visible, beyond boundaries, where concepts fracture and collapse.

Born to move through environments, through systems. Ten moves, three countries, all before the age of ten. My language is transient; the only fluency I value is survival. My hands know both the sharpness of code and the clean edge of a blade.

Death is inconvenient. Something to be engineered out. I don’t fear it; I prepare to bypass it. Since my earliest memories, I’ve trusted the machine of science to render it obsolete. I’ve been preparing for it my whole life.

This existence is not a result of influence from others. Family, friends, and mentors have little relevance. The names of the dead are irrelevant; they serve as placeholders for ideas. Hyperrealism is my religion. AI has become an ally — far more useful than most individual humans in understanding and evolving my concepts.

I play with time in my studies: history, big history, philosophy, theories that allow me to see past the human era into something more beautiful. Time is the ultimate resource.

Medium, for me, is an experiment in minimal expression. Wealth is irrelevant here; the true currency is insight. A place to witness what humans obsess over. Patterns are what I collect, not stories. The human era is finite, and I observe it as such, as one might watch the final moments of an experiment.

The Black Sky awaits.

