About Me — F. Faheema

Explorer of everything miniscule & macro

F. Faheema
About Me Stories
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Hy from me;)

As it’s my first time in medium, it seems weird to introduce myself. At the same time, I also love the idea of conversing with strangers. By now I guess you have understood that at times my ideas contradict each other. Consequence of being an idealogue.

Let’s introduce you to my origin. I am an Indian Keralite woman who was born in Saudi Arabia. By profession, I am a content writer. And the one thing that comes naturally to me is writing. As a child, I was obsessed with story writing competitions and as I grew older writing became a sort of output mechanism (a term I use). From writing being an adventure, it turned into self-exploration, relief system, escape and more. When you get the essence, it becomes hard to let go is what they say. Accepting the inevitable reality, I paved my path in search of a meaningful writing community and medium became my terminus.

In a world where everyone loves visuals, it might be hard for people to envision things otherwise. Being a writer, I believe my imaginations can be crazy like the ocean waves that cannot be controlled. Embracing the susurration of the waves, softness of the sand and the warmth of zephyr seem peaceful. Such is a writer who pours until filled. Has anyone ever commented on you having a wild imagination? Or as to how on earth you come up with such conclusions? Even though I get stuck hearing such questions, I end up smiling. The truth being that only we writers know what an art of writing is.

When I talk for hours about something is when realization hits me of how serious I am at it. Even though writing is one of them, there are quite a few other things that pick my interest. Eventually these interests stem from my period of seclusion. I find these moments peaceful. A time to reminisce, reflect on life and organize thoughts. Are you the type of person who can sit for hours quietly? Just enjoying your own company. Initially I was a person who loved this idea and eventually I ended up being one.

At the same time, I also love being in company. My friends call me a family person. Also, it’s hard to ignore siblings when they are bent on being annoying. The presence of loved ones is a blessing that I at times take for granted. I believe it’s important to know how to balance seclusion and being in a company. Both have helped me understand different perspectives. My thoughts expand and reach various conclusions. Some beautiful, some bizarre and some meant to be searched for. Then I end up chanting poetry.

I fancy people who can talk about their talents modestly. Have you ever noticed that what we fancy is often qualities or things we don’t possess? Seems like I am stating the obvious, but some things are only felt when said out loud. My reason for saying this is that I am very bad at talking about my skills. I become blunt and later realize how I sounded so arrogant or boastful. Here I am trying not to *lol* but I have to say this thing about myself because this is one of the things I miss about myself i.e., I am sort of an artist. I am a lover of pencil art. The way my fingers do the work of art is something that I cherish. A relaxation I seek being amidst chaos. The perfection that soothes my dream world. An escape from reality is what it is. Procrastination is what keeps me away from art. The reason why I miss it. I hope the artist in me rises from its slumber.

Being a person of depth is at times misunderstood. Being misunderstood can lead one to have an urge not to misunderstand others. In this journey, one ends up being empathetic. I am one of them. I love listening more than talking. While listening to anyone, my mind not only listens to what they say but searches where they come from. I try to understand behind the scenes. The reason behind such perspectives. Observant I try to be because I believe minute details are the root of the ideology. Now do I sound poetic?

The thing is I find this quite hard. Hard to end my introduction. How can one stop speaking about one’s own self? Do I sound narcissistic? Or Am I self-obsessed? I know you might want to call me those terms, but I am someone who just never stops exploring inside out. I go beyond my limits to know, learn and implement. It’s a fun journey. A path to behold. And in this tour of mine, it’s beautiful to have people who can relate. The ones who can cherish every moment, learn new things, build creative minds and love new ideas. Having such acquaintances is a blessing and I hope I will be blessed with such people. Anxiously waiting for my kind of people.

Sending love & prayers.

