About Me — Feranmi Okuku

Taking Time Out To Build My Personal Brand

Feranmi Okuku
About Me Stories
2 min readApr 21, 2024


Author’s Image — Feranmi Okuku

The question ‘Who are you?’ can sometimes make me go blank even though many words might be flying through my brain at that moment. But then that’s when my mind decides to start a self-talk that makes me take a longer time to answer. I hope that there is someone out there that can relate.

I am a writer and reader. I think I would pick reading over writing because of my laziness in writing long-form content.

However, I am here to improve my writing skills by learning from others and also overcome the procrastination I always give in to whenever it is time to write long-form content.

I’ve always been a voracious reader as a child and it is still a hobby I enjoy till now. My writing started in my preteen years when I started writing a drama. I can’t remember the number of acts and scenes I wrote before I outgrew that phrase and left the book (or you could call it script uncompleted).

Funny that after some years, I find myself trying to improve my writing again. I find it easier to write when my job calls for it than to sit to write my personal projects.

However, I realised that I need to reawaken that skill and also apply the enthusiasm I use for my clients’ tasks to my personal branding.

I do not have a big picture yet, but I am taking it one step at a time by posting at least once a week and steadily increasing it.

One perspective that popped into my head some days ago was if I can spend 8 hours in a day working to grow someone else brand why not dedicate at least one hour in a week (for a start to work on my personal brand)?

Following that perspective, I realised that I can actually carve out three hours of my time for my personal brand if I manage my time well.

No pressure, I am still taking things one step at a time. I believe I will figure things out with time and consistent efforts.

Meanwhile, I wouldn’t mind if you dropped a word of advice that can help me navigate this phase. Thanks.

