About Me — Gabriella H.

Everything no one ever wanted to know!

Gabriella H.
About Me Stories


Young woman with glasses smiling happily at the camera in an office setting
Author’s image created with DALL-E

Shh! Please don’t tell anyone I’m writing online.

I’m trying to keep this hobby a secret from friends and family. One day I might just spill the tea on their quirky and annoying habits, and I rather them not see their characters roasted in blog form — just preserving family ties here!

Now that the nasty bits are out of the way… Hi, I’m Gabriella.

I’m your average gal often described by those who love me as mildly infuriating and a tantrum artist. (I know, and these people claim to love me.)

I’m here in Medium to force myself to write about my emotions and to find my tribe of people — the anxious and self-tortured souls.

Misery loves company, right? I’m on a mission to gather my tribe — those who can relate to the joys of anxiety and its pesky little sidekicks.

Let’s share our woes and whisper, “I feel ya!” across the blogosphere.

My Origin Story

One key thing about me is that I absolutely detest feeling sad. Sadness is like any YouTube ad — universally despised.

My ingenious solution? I just tuck that sadness away, even from myself. And believe it or not, this strategy was so effective that I had to…



Gabriella H.
About Me Stories

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.