About Me — Gary David Flamberg

A Voice of Optimism in an Age of Unrest

Gary David Flamberg
About Me Stories


Photo of me taken by my wife (circa 2017)

“Your writing isn’t about you.”

Just this morning, I read those very words inside an email from Zulie Rane (one of my favorite Medium authors and mentors).

Just the other day, I submitted a post with those EXACT words as part of my title! (You can read it here.)

You see, I want my writing to be focused on adding value to YOU. Specifically, I want you to:

  • derive wisdom from me;
  • gain instruction from me;
  • be challenged by me to re-think the status quo — about yourself and the world around us.

Above all, I seek to be a positive voice in an optimism-starved world.

But since most of you don’t know who the heck I am, I need to…talk about me. So here goes.

OK, so who am I?

I’m 64 years “old.” “Old” is in quotes because I refuse to “grow old.” Oh yes, I may grow UP someday. But I never want to be OLD. In other words, I never want to stop learning and living to the fullest.

I’m married to the woman of my dreams. Yes, you read that correctly. You see, I’d never thought this could happen to me. Up till my 40th birthday (give or take), I thought I was…



Gary David Flamberg
About Me Stories

Bringing out the authentic writer in you (with a side helping of culture, faith, and plain ole' life wisdom!)