About Me — George M

Journeying through Psychology and Geekery

George Moran
About Me Stories
4 min readMar 3, 2024


Self-drawn representation of the author

“Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?” Don’t we all love that question? Personally, I have always dreaded it, whether that be as an icebreaker in a new class, a conversation on a first date, or a question in a job interview.

No matter how many times I practice going over what I want to say in my mind before having to answer it, it normally ends with me speaking at a million miles an hour (kilometres for those metric lovers out there) and regurgitating a bunch of convoluted nonsense which in most cases will be met with a slow nod of the head and an “okay then”.

While speaking about myself has never been a strong point in my repertoire, my strong point is my ability to talk passionately about the things that excite me!

And that is why I have decided to start writing and share my thoughts and insights on topics that tickle my brain with excitement.

These topics will widely fall into one of three categories: Psychology, Technology, and Geek culture! These categories won’t be rigid; far from it. I want to meld these interests together to create something that excites me to write about and is hopefully enjoyable for all to read.

Before we get there, it is probably best that I start by answering that dreaded question and telling you a bit about myself, as best I can anyway.

I am currently writing this at the ripe age of 23 years old, quickly approaching that quarter-life crisis that is becoming more and more prevalent among my generation. I am a psychology graduate from the University of St Andrews, Scotland’s oldest university and in my completely unbiased opinion, the very best as well.

As a proud Scot myself, I was honoured to develop my love and knowledge of psychology among Scotland’s best and brightest!

George M on the day of graduation outside the psychology building at the University of St Andrews

However, upon arrival, I found that may not be the case as most of my tutorials ended up only having myself and maybe one or two other Scots in attendance.

St Andrews ended up being a bubble town separate from most of the things I find quintessentially Scottish and rather was a mixed-up pot of all different cultures and nationalities from around the globe, all with one thing in common… MONEY!

Something that escaped me much of my childhood, growing up in a single-parent household in what we in Scotland like to call a “coounsil hoouse” or council house.

As such, I felt quite out of place during university and spent much of my free time alone in my dorm room watching YouTube or playing whatever new video game I had bought that week;

this later included doom scrolling on TikTok.

Having most of my day broken into lectures and tutorials around psychology with my leisure time used to engage with technology is what initially sparked my interest in combining the two and led to my discovery of cyberpsychology.

This later informed my decision for my final year dissertation which I will be creating my next post to discuss along with some helpful tips for those struggling with their dissertation project.

Since leaving university, I have started working with one of the largest Scottish mental health charities, SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health), as a support worker.

In my role, I use whatever knowledge I gained during my time at university along with my experience of having an autistic brother to help aid those suffering from a wide range of mental health problems.

I hope to use the experience gained at SAMH in my application towards a master’s degree in either counselling or clinical psychology to help further my reach of help for those suffering.

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

While waiting to apply I thought why not give writing on Medium a try and make sure I’m still keeping in tune with my analytical mind but this time instead of being forced to write complex (mostly boring) essays for uni I can write here on Medium about things not only I enjoy writing about but that I hope you enjoy reading about.

As I embark on this new journey of writing and sharing my thoughts, I’m reminded of a quote by Carl Sagan:

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

For me, that something lies at the intersection of psychology, technology, and geek culture. It’s a vast and endlessly fascinating landscape, and I can’t wait to explore it with you.

Thank you for reading, and until next time, stay curious.

Cheers, George M



George Moran
About Me Stories
Writer for

Hello! I'm George and I'm here to write about the the things that tickle my brain the most, psychology, technology and geek culture