About Me — George

Mindless automaton

George Kathele
About Me Stories
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Author

Who am I?

I’m a 32-year-old guy living life on a roller-coaster.

I have gone through a lot as I experience life from a first-hand experience angle.

Experience is the best teacher.

I think I’m a misfit (story for another day) based on my lifestyle.

However, A broken clock is RIGHT two times a day!

I’m not much of an adventurer (which explains my lowkey character), but occasionally, I’ll be headed out or travel a few miles away from my cocoon to get out of my comfort zone.

This aligns with my life agenda on growth, which we rarely experience being in our comfort zones.

Why am I here?

I made it my life goal not to give up despite any situation.

Winning in life is never quitting. Once you do that, you’ll be awarded your first significant life medal.

Therefore, my Medium goal is to share my insights and life lessons with other people who may feel the need to quit anything in any manner.

I’ve written several articles since I’ve been on these Medium streets for exactly 30 days as a writer.

I write on self-improvement, life lessons, betterment, and personal growth topics.

However, I’ve been around for almost eight months as a reader.

By the way, shout out to everyone who puts out value in any manner on this platform.

You’re the real deal. I’ve learned a lot since joining this platform.

What’s unique about me?

I’m anon on socials. It’s not my thing having my affairs out there.

I use social media to connect to the world rather than vice versa.

Well, pretty much the other way around, as I’m doing the same over here.

Psst! behind anonymity, though.

Also, my socials have exciting numbers as well.

555 following; 0 followers — Instagram

555 following; 0 followers — X (Former Twitter)

I believe in symmetry and patterns. They mesmerize me, so I’d go for such numbers.

Yeah, those are the only two socials I connect with to the rest of the world.

Interestingly, I love babies (their innocence and cuteness beat it all) and follow many baby channels on IG, as well as funny and animal channels.

I don’t follow anyone I know personally simply because I don’t want to fall prey to the ‘For the Gram’ syndrome.

I use Instagram to get out of the serious mode, loosen up, and lighten myself with cute videos and photos.

I use X to stay current with the current news and trends so that I am not ignorant enough to relate to any coded lingo that folks use in this era.

“Ignorance is bliss,” but sometimes it helps catch up with trends.

Anything else unique?

Well, I’ll write about religion from my perspective (With all due respect to the different beliefs and religions around the world)

I'm spiritual but not religious.

However, I grew up in a solid catholic background (I served as an altar boy for seven years).

I’ve held religious student leadership roles in my high school and university.

However, I defected my beliefs and searched for a rational meaning in all that, and that’s what made me define my current spiritual status.

That being said, I believe in God.

I believe that a Supreme Being exists somewhere out there since I can’t explain the human being’s existence.

“I think, therefore, I am” — René Descartes

That’s the quote I use to confirm our existence.

You realize we still question if all this is a perception. Yes? No?

One last thing

I’ve always marvelled at how much capability a human being possesses.

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” — Anonymous.

Ciao for now, and let’s get to share more.




George Kathele
About Me Stories

Aspiring Writer + Minimalist + Solitaire + Imperfect. I write on how to capture readers’ attention. “You have seconds to grab it and minutes to keep it.”