About Me — Greyson Ferguson

So you’re saying I can’t leave this blank?

Greyson Ferguson
About Me Stories


Author Photo

Sometimes I feel like I’m the least qualified person on the planet to write about myself.

Which is a strange thing to write, as most of my articles on Medium are about myself.

My dating profiles are frustratingly vacant. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I don’t know what you want to know. I still don’t. Other than I’m not six feet tall and I’m not a billionaire, so you should probably swipe left.

But, really, I’m just a guy originally from Michigan (with stops in Georgia and Arizona) who now wanders the world with my three-legged dog. When I first started on Medium back, god, pre-pandemic, I wrote mostly about relationships and divorce. Not that I specifically enjoyed the topic, but because people liked reading what I had to say.

I wrote one article about life after divorce, which people loved, followed by the last time I had sex with my ex-wife, which people really loved. Then I wrote a (true) story titled, “I Asked My Wife if I Could Date Her Sister.” That article, well, it took on a life of its own. Daily Mail picked it up, as did numerous news outlets around the globe. People I hadn’t talked to in years messaged me. Death threats were posted. Some understood the deeper contextual meaning and liked it…



Greyson Ferguson
About Me Stories

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: https://t.ly/OcQYG