Poetry | Love | Information | Philosophy

About Me — Gustave Deresse

Who, What, Why?

Gustave Deresse
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2021


A Canadian Goose, Standing in a Stream, Spreads Its Wings Majestically | Real Photo by Gustave Deresse | Writer; AI Artist, c. May 14th, 2018.

Thank you Quy Ma sincerely for your kind invitation, it’s an honour for me to be here.

Somewhere in Jasper National Park, Trees Surround a Lake, A Maintain May Faintly Be Seen In the Distance | Real Photo by Gustave Deresse | Writer; AI Artist, c. May 12th, 2018

Preliminary Disclaimers


On Love, Thought & Learning

Two rules by which to abide:
1. love, and
2. question everything.


  • The mind is susceptible, not defenseless.
  • The conscious reprograms the subconscious.
  • Input/output awareness is key.

Proper Communication…

