About Me — Hannah Smith

I Don’t Know What I’m Doing.

Hannah Smith
About Me Stories
2 min readOct 7, 2022


This is me! — Photo provided by author

Hey everyone! My name is Hannah Smith and I am a 20-year-old college student just trying to take it day by day. I am from Northern Kentucky and I currently live with my grandparents (they’re amazing!).

I have an adorable cat named Melanie and she is my un-biological offspring I mean there’s no doubt about it. Here’s a picture of her below:)

My baby kitty *heart eyes* — photo provided by author

In my free time I enjoy sleeping (who doesn’t), watching Netflix (currently watching Supernatural!), reading, and now writing! This is the first time I have tried to do something big like starting a blog so I’m hoping this goes okay!

I am currently studying biology at a community college, but I will probably end up transferring to a four-year college to get my bachelor’s. I’m not sure what exactly I want to do with that, but I just know that I like science!

I have a handsome man and his name is James (James if you’re reading this I love you!!!). We have been dating for almost 2 years now and I’m hoping it goes a lot longer than that! He is my biggest encourager and my best friend. I am looking forward to doing life with him:)

I am interested in a lot of things, like probably too many to list, but I’ll list a few for you guys, even if you don’t care. (You’ve made it this far though, so you must care at least a little bit!).

  • Psychology
  • Biology
  • Animals
  • Faith
  • Money
  • Writing
  • Books
  • Beauty
  • Self-Care

…and there’s more, but that would take too long to write out.

I guess my goal on Medium is to just get my foot in the door and see what the writing life may have in store for me! Thank you so much for reading and if you are interested to see what I’ll write next or just want to keep up to date on my super exciting life (kidding) then go ahead and follow me for more!



Hannah Smith
About Me Stories

Student. Animal Lover. Coffee First. Writing about whatever I’m interested in and personal experiences! https://hannahkatewrites.com