About Me — Heather Moore

Wondering the World One Place at a Time

Heather Moore
About Me Stories
1 min readMar 24, 2024


By- Blackday photography — License owned by author- License Type Standard Adobe Subscription- Catagory Hobbie & Leisure- 6720 x 4480 — Happy Woman Sitting in Road- jpeg- File # 330724962- Photo Date:2024

Hello friends! My name is Heather. I am very excited to be here on Medium. I am a novice writer. I have had some complementary feedback from writing groups about my romance short stories. I have not published yet, but here’s hoping!

I love to travel and often go where life takes me. My parents passed when I was young, and I was raised by my Great Aunt, a wonderfully kind woman. The money my parents left plus an inheritance from Aunt Silvia, now allows me to move from place to place (as long as I live simply), whenever I get the itch for a new adventure. Currently, I am in Perth, Australia. The season is changing here, and I feel I might be moving on soon. If you have any suggestions on where I should travel next, please, please, please send them my way.

I hope within Medium I find a community of great people and can improve my writing skills. I also seem to have the craziest things happen while traveling and might share a few here. I look forward to reading the fascinating stories y’all post here.



Heather Moore
About Me Stories

A free spirit who loves to travel the world. I find every human being's story fascinating. Never take myself too serious., and am always down for any adventure.