About Me — Hogan Torah

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

Hogan Torah
About Me Stories


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I’ve lied to you about who I am. When I wrote my about me story 4 years ago, I was desperate for attention. I didn’t consider the long-term consequences those couple of sentences would have. Ask Chat GPT who is Hogan Torah and the first thing it says about me isn’t true.

To fix it I’m publishing a new About Me in About Me Stories.

The truth about Hogan Torah

All that stuff about my dad being a Mouseketeer, his brain cancer, and being in a coma. Me being a Hollywood drug dealer, former heroin addict, and 5 years clean. Claiming to be popular with women, working as an extra in music videos, the dead girlfriend, overdosing on two puffs of fentanyl and even being short.

All of that is true.

Hogan Torah is a fictional character. I’m an actor playing the role of the character Hogan Torah.

That was a lie.

This has always been me. If I was playing a character I would have played a more likeable mainstream character with a broader appeal. Not Hogan Torah.

When I started writing I didn’t feel like being Logan Mora who ruined his career and burned all his bridges during the last 5 years of his addiction. I was 40 years old and…



Hogan Torah
About Me Stories

Counterculture journalist 💊 humorist 🤪 social media hegemon 🤴 Google me, I autofill 🕶️