About Me — Ira Robinson

From sighted boring guy to a blind writer, and everything in between.

Ira Robinson
About Me Stories


Photograph by Author

Life never really turns out as we plan, does it?

I suppose that could be the best tagline I could use for the story of a person who has been through the gates of hell and come back out again with a goat named Bob and more baggage than LAX at Christmas time.

If you’d like the “TL;DR” version, it goes something like this:

I am a 4x married victim of child and spousal abuse. I’m also a published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, a digital painter, and a streamer… all done while being blind.

Want the expanded Reader’s Digest Condensed (wait, did that really make sense…) version?

Let’s get out of this little gate running, shall we?

Wait… you’re really blind?

I started my life sighted and, as the years progressed, discovered I had a genetic defect that would take my sight away.

I chalk it up as yet another gift from parents who didn’t give much of a crap my whole life. Thanks Ma and Pa! Right back at ya!

I’ve hit level 51 in this game we call living, but I spent the first 38 being able to see the world relatively normal…



Ira Robinson
About Me Stories

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at ira@originalworlds.com