About Me — Jackson McHargue

Hey everyone, my name is Jackson McHargue. A small amount of people may have already seen an About Me that I posted a while ago, but after more consideration, I believe that the first About Me that I posted did not do the explanation of myself justice. Therefore, I decided to write a new one, one that better encompassed who I was. So, I hope you enjoy it.

Jackson McHargue
About Me Stories
7 min readJul 17, 2024


Here’s a picture of me at my desk :)

It’s important to note that I just got a haircut two days ago and I’m still figuring out what style I want my hair to be in. However, I think this haircut is pretty good though. Also, before anyone wonders, I’m not a Raiders fan. I got this sweatshirt from my uncle after he passed away. I kind of just wear it to remember him and not gonna lie, it’s a pretty cool sweatshirt. Oh, and yea, that’s my ugly doll up there on the shelf. I don’t know why I still have him, but he’s kinda cool (his name is Mr. Kasoogi).

But anyways, on to this About Me.

I was born in Northern Virginia and have lived here for my whole life. I like where I live, but sometimes I wish I lived other places, maybe some small town or overseas. However, this is my home and I think it’s pretty good.

I’m a fairly quiet person who minds his own business, however once I get to know someone I tend to warm up to them. I also tend to be fairly sarcastic and many people say that I act very seriously. However, I think it’s just due to me having a pretty calm attitude and a serious-looking face. Once something makes me laugh or interests me, you will see that I’m not excessively serious, it's just how I come off.

That being said, I believe that I’m somewhat of an introvert. I tend to enjoy being alone at times and I don’t have the biggest social network. However, I do really enjoy spending time with friends and family. I just wish it didn’t drain me as fast as it did when the gathering is going good.

I really like music, and while I’m writing this, am currently listening to Pet Symmetry. I like them, they’re pretty good. They have a kind of sound that feels light and smooth, but also pretty hard-hitting. Some other notable artists that I enjoy are Smash Mouth (the old songs primarily), Modern Baseball, Supertramp (but only Breakfast in America really), Louis Armstrong, and various others. I know, those artists kind of don’t go together at all, but I think all of them are pretty good. I could go on with more, but I’ll save you the time and just sum it up by saying I primarily like a variety of rock genres (especially classic rock), midwest emo, classic jazz and swing, poprock, and a sprinkling of other various genres. My music tastes are kind of vast, but I just say that if it’s a good song to me, I don’t care what genre or artist it is, I’ll listen to it.

I’m somewhat of a sports fan. I played baseball and basketball for several years and I have one year of soccer under my belt (and no, it wasn’t youth league soccer, it was my senior year). That being said, I’ve enjoyed playing sports, but I don’t keep up with pro leagues that heavily. All I really watch is football whenever Washington is playing. Yep, I’m a Commanders fan, for better or worse, but they’re my team and I like watching them no matter the outcome. Also, another sport that I’ve recently gotten into is Muay Thai, which is kind of like kickboxing for those unfamiliar. I’ve really liked doing Muay Thai so far.

Another aspect of myself is that I like philosophy. Since I was little, I sort of always had this tendency to think about stuff. Whenever I’m going about my day, I tend to like to think about philosophical things: ethics, political philosophy, and a lot of metaphysics. I still remember the first philosophy book I read, The Myth of Sisyphus. After I finished that, I was even more hooked and my pursuit of philosophy only strengthened. However, I’ll save the philosophy talk for another time. There’s a lot to be said about that.

While I’m on that topic, though, I think it’ll be good also to explain what my outlook in life is. I was kind of worried if it would be too serious of a topic to write about in an About Me, but it is an important thing when talking about who someone is, and I don’t have to make it overly serious, so I figured I’d tell you all about it. You can skip it over if it’s not really your thing, just jump this next paragraph.

I was raised in the Episcopal and then Anglican church in a fairly religious family. As a child, I adopted that worldview, but after some time, I came to drop it. As I got more into philosophy, I began to realize that many issues in life, particularly in regards to religion here, are much more difficult to solve than many believe. Due to this, I let go of my strong belief that there was a God and began to question things a little more deeply. Amidst the questioning, I came to hold that there may or may not be a God, or some other purpose to life, but I don’t believe we can ever know it certainly. I believe I have been greatly influenced by Absurdism in this area, if any of you know about it. However, I still do my best to be impartial and really get to the bottom of everything that goes on in life, however odd and difficult it can be. Just don’t get me started on political views, cause I don’t know if I’ve really figured that out yet. Okay, beliefs aside.

I really like video games. I have since I was a kid, and still do. I remember when I was little and would rush home just go get on the computer or go to a friend’s house and play the Wii. Now, I mostly spend my time on my Xbox playing games like Battlefront, Fallout 4, Red Dead 2, and occasionally Forza 5 or Minecraft. It really tends to fluctuate over time. However, Battlefront has been the one I’ve been on the most recently. Gotta make sure I get my levels up, especially on my heavy class.

I really enjoy watching movies as well. I’ve always liked to watch movies, but over time my taste in movies has really changed. I went from a kid who just liked watching cool stuff happen on a screen to someone who really enjoys dissecting movies and seeing what went into them, what they’re saying, and how they say it. Granted, it depends on the movie. Some movies have deep messages and others just want to make you have a good time. For this part of myself, I largely credit one of my college professors. I took a film class not that long ago and my professor really got me interested in film study. That was one my favorite classes to date.

Also though, I like to watch some TV shows too. To be specific, I really like Cartoon Network shows from my childhood (Adventure Time, Flapjack, Regular Show, etc.), I recently got into Smiling Friends, and from time to time I’ll watch NCIS with my brother. I know, odd pairing of stuff again.

I don’t like to have a strong social media presence. I much more enjoy meeting people in person and doing stuff together. Also, social media grabs me too easily and I’ll end up spending way too much time on it. I just occasionally check my Instagram or see what my family is doing on Facebook. Other than that, I have no social media apps on my phone. All I do is watch Youtube, which can grab me just the same, but I can kind of temper it better. I do think social media can be super helpful and fun though and maybe I should use it just a little more to connect with people.

As for what got me into writing, I don’t really know if there was any one reason why I got into writing, but I believe my love for writing came from all the reading and paper-writing I had to do in high school. As a kid, I didn’t particularly enjoy reading or writing much. However, over time I began to start enjoying the practices more and more. What I believe really cemented this enjoyment was all of the papers I had to write in my AP history classes and the good stories I read in my Literature classes. At least, the ones I actually read, and not those I just read the sparknotes about so I wouldn’t fail the quiz over it. I had a habit of that at times.

So, that’s pretty much who I am in a nutshell. It’s never easy to get a feel from someone without really meeting them and getting to know them, but I think About Me’s can do a fairly good job at getting people to know someone better. Hopefully I included enough info to give you a good feel of who I am. If you made it all the way here, I truly appreciate it. I know that was a good amount to read. If you skimmed or skipped to the end, why’d you click the story then? Just kidding. I know About Me’s can be long or boring at times. Anyways, thanks either way for clicking on my story and if you want, you can take a look at my other ones also, but don’t feel obligated to. It makes me glad that you just looked at this one. Thanks a lot, and I hope you guys have a great day.

Jackson McHargue

July 16, 2024

