About Me — Jane Trombley

And my “one wild and precious life.”

Jane Trombley
About Me Stories


Photo credit: Sirpa Cowell

The poet Mary Oliver asked plaintively, searchingly at the close of her much-admired poem, The Summer Day:

“What will you do with your one wild and precious life?”

Having recently completed 75 turns around the Sun, I’m a pan-curious essayist and podcaster working out what to do with “my one wild and precious life.” I’m nicheless by design.

Throughout my life I’ve been drawn to creative outlets; it fuels my “juice.” The primary form of my creativity is writing.

My writing has taken many forms: furtive diaries and the honor of winning the motto contest in high school for the newly convened student-run Safety Council. (In case you wondered, my winning entry was “Safety for all through the courtesy of each.”). Catchy.

Yearbook and student newspaper writing. Some poetry. More, many more furtive diary entries assuaged the pain of teen angst inflicted by parental conflict, boyfriend despair, and nagging self-doubt.

Shrinks weren’t countenanced in my 1960s midwestern upbringing. Written expression was my salvation, beyond the reach and interest of my adult handlers.



Jane Trombley
About Me Stories

A pan-curious essayist working out what to do with "my one wild and precious life." Nicheless by design. janetrombley@gmail.com"