About Me — Jay Pendragon

Queer, trans* writer and creative ‘Jay of all trades’. They/them. Eating disorder survivor, fat activist, sex-positive ace. Oh, and a nerdy cat person!

Jay Pendragon
About Me Stories


A selfie of a young nonbinary person wearing a suit and tie, smiling.
A formal selfie of Jay, since they have yet to get headshots taken.

Where I am right now

My bio up there is a mouthful, isn’t it?

I’m the first to admit it’s difficult to describe the various shapes of projects and creative endeavors I immerse myself in. Finding your niche and specializing in it seems to be the prevalent advice, yet I’ve never been one to fit well into boxes.

(Not even those of binary gender.)

Anyway, for now I embrace the diversity of my creativity. I’m a ‘Jay of all trades’, so to speak! Maybe life will lead me to a more well-defined area, but until then I happily follow my Muse where she takes me.

Here’s a quick overview of the main formats I travel in:

Essays and content writing

Since you’re reading this on Medium, I assume you already know — or at least suspect — that I write essays and other content.

While I enjoy educational pieces about certain issues, personal essays hold a special place in my heart. As someone trained in anthropology, the very clear…



Jay Pendragon
About Me Stories

Nonbinary queer storyteller, learning how to enjoy life during eating disorder recovery. They/them. https://jaypendragon.com