About Me — Jay Sizemore

The writer your mother warned you about

Jay Sizemore
About Me Stories
Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2021


Jay Sizemore author photo

Hello, fellow Medium addicts. My name is Jay Sizemore. You may recognize me from such films as “The Poet With Borderline Personality Disorder” or “How to Alienate an Entire Genre of Writers in Five Easy Moves.” I actually have an undiagnosed case of mild Tourette’s Syndrome, which I believe was caused by a brain injury I suffered in 2006. This condition is triggered by disturbing thoughts I have, and routinely causes me to shout unintelligible syllables at random moments, and it always makes my wife laugh.

I’ve been writing for Medium now for a little over a year. During that time, I have made some good friends, and I’ve of course alienated a few people. Thanks again, BPD! I thought I was on my way to making a good supplemental income here, but phew, it’s been a tough couple of months. Let’s hope the next couple of months see a rebound. But, I’ll keep writing no matter what, because that’s what writers do.

A Brief History of Jay

I was born and raised in Kentucky. Rural Kentucky. My father was out of the picture early on. I watched my mother single-handedly raise a family in the dregs of financial struggle and educational unpreparedness. It wasn’t an easy life, but it wasn’t altogether unhappy either.



Jay Sizemore
About Me Stories

Provocative truth teller, author of APNEA & Ignore the Dead. Cat dad. Dog dad. Husband. Currently working from Portland, Oregon. Learn more at: Jaysizemore.com.