About Me — Jen McMorrow

Two Years Into My Healing Journey and I Have Some Things To Say

Jen McMorrow
About Me Stories


Author standing on a beach and laughing
Photo of Author by Paige Gribb Photography

I started writing again in January after finalizing a divorce that had taken me a few years of intensive therapy and internal work to process (not that I am done cooking in that regard, but I have made a lot of progress). My first story on Medium was about that divorce, and it caught more traction than I anticipated. This was both encouraging, and a little scary. I have taken some time to regroup, and now have a stronger sense of who I am and what I want my voice here to be.

While I do think there is value in writing about and exposing the patterns of emotional and psychological abuse — especially because women brave enough to do just that are the reason I was able to finally grasp the reality of my marriage and call it quits — I want to focus this space on healing and in particular my healing journey.

Here are some things I anticipate writing on in the next year or so that have been crucial elements of my healing journey. Some are more standard, and others may be particular to me. All of these elements have come together to build me up into the much stronger version of myself I am today compared to the beginning of this journey.

Let’s start with the obvious: therapy. Tons and tons of therapy



Jen McMorrow
About Me Stories

Freelance writer based in Raleigh, NC. I write on my healing journey and related topics such as love, dating and relationships, wellness, and mental health.