About Me — Jennifer Barrios Tettay

It’s Always Too Early To Give Up.

Jennifer Barrios Tettay
About Me Stories


Hello reader! 💕

Here I sit, thinking about what my first paragraph should look like so that you won’t turn your back on me right away.

To begin with, how about a bullet point list? Everybody loves lists, right?

15 Amazing Facts About Jennifer You’ve Never Heard Of!

Well, if that’s not a strong start? How exciting! So mainly for me — after all, I want to see how many clicks this article might bring in. Or if I can make some acquaintances? Maybe. Or friends, maybe?

  • My identity card says I’m 39 (as of 2022), but it has absolutely no idea. I am 25 — at the most! (okay, I wish. Truth is, I’m 39.)
  • I live in a small village where meadows bloom and where everybody is friendly.
    It’s located in a beautiful valley with a river running through it. One side is a forest on a hill, and on the other side are vineyards.
    You might already have guessed, but I really love our village.
  • I’m from Germany.
  • My husband is not German. He is Colombian. At home, we speak Spanish, but also a little German. My husband is a funny guy, we laugh a lot together. ღ
  • My youngest son is 13 and has Down Syndrome. He is adorable, amazing, and just perfect.
  • He has a sister (18) and a brother (20). They are also adorable, amazing, and perfect.
  • I am perfectly imperfect.
  • I was born on St. Nicholas’ Day.
  • My father died in 2001 at the age of only 45. He never got to know his grandchildren.
  • Therefore, he met my first husband. He was 19 years older than me. He was also a very difficult person — to put it mildly. I’d rather not go into details. The marriage lasted only 5 years.
  • On the other hand, my second husband (that’s right, the one from Colombia!) is 6 years younger than me. We have been married for over 13 years now.
  • We went through thick and thin — literally. Because a year ago, I weighed 30 kg more than I do today.
  • I’m catching up on my Abitur — as a distance learning course! But before I was a passionate gamer.
  • Once I’m done, I want to study environmental science and become a fighter 🧙 against climate change.
  • I’m an idealist reaching for the stars — anything is possible!

I tried hard to be entertaining. Did it work?

First names (complete listing — might take a while):
Jennifer, Nathalie, Severine, Ramona

INFP, but sometimes I test INTP. Nevertheless, INFP without a doubt.

9w8 (It was a pain to figure out!)

Favorite Music Band:
Sonata Arctica

Favorite Lyrics Passage:
(Sonata Arctica — Gravenimage)

I play a note, but hear no sound
Have I lost my love or the wings I found
When I was young
And eager to please anyone who had time…
Needed to sing the very notes I heard
Had to stay in the shadows and seek for the loneliness
Nevertheless, the price was higher than I realized
I was to live alone, ready to make the sacrifice
Was I in love with you?

Dream Vacation:
The Himalayan Mountains or Finland.

Sam or Dean Winchester?
Definitely Team Dean!

Favorite Video Game:
Ragnarok Online and Path of Exile

Electives in School:
Physics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Spanish

In order to get a deeper insight, you can take a look at my Journal for 30 days of Self-Reflection and Personal Growth, which you may find here:

30-Day Journal for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

30 stories
painting of a snowy landscape illuminated by light of the rising sun
painting of a silhouette of a woman

Now You!

In my posts, I usually try to involve my readers because I LOVE the interaction in the comments and the opportunity to get to know each other a little!

However, the matter is completely voluntary. (best not pay attention to that big guy with the threatening gaze next to us).

But now on to the questions:

  • Sam or Dean? (choose your answer wisely)
  • Where would you like to travel to one day?
  • What is your favorite song lyrics passage?
  • Do you like video games? If yes, which ones?

On my Medium blog, you’ll find mainly articles about social & environmental awareness as well as personal stories & fiction

Feel free to follow me if this sounds interesting to you. Or maybe you just find me likable, then you may follow me too. I am always happy when I can get to know new people.

So, that’s me!

Thanks to anyone who has actually taken the time to read this far. 💕

