About me — Jerome K

Learning is my favorite hobby

Jerome K.
About Me Stories
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Remember being a child?

Life was simple.

Our time was filled with laughter, games and ultimately, doing what made us happy (a.k.a. doing whatever we wanted). As we continued to grow older, we became more aware of ourselves and our actions. This leads to (what I believe) a time in each of our lives where we collectively take a deep look inside and ask:

Who am I?

All of us have our own vision of ourselves. When we asked ourselves for the first time as a kid, we probably answered with simply our name (and maybe with our favorite hobby). Growing older showed us that we, humans, are made up of many tiny details that make each of us unique and our vision of ourselves may change over the course of time. In this post, I hope to share my current vision of who I am.

So…who am I?

Hi! I come by as Jerome K. ! Currently, I am a student who aspires to not fail my classes nor face the wrath of my parents. Kidding aside, I am a student who is from the Philippines. Nowadays, my mind is focused on looking for the best path in this game, we call life (e.g. finding what career is fit for me) AND trying to not forget what “enjoying every step of the way” means. If I am not flooded with academic papers, I tend to spend my hours playing online games, board games, and reading books. Among the three, I find myself hooked on books the most.

How did I get here?

When I was younger, I would not consider myself an avid reader nor did I try to read. Around the age of 14, I came across the magical idea of “self-improvement” while scrolling through the internet. At that time, I had already started the course of puberty and was more self-conscious. Consequently, my mind became engrossed with the idea of “becoming the best version of yourself”.

I learned that books are a great way to learn while being entertained. Soon after, I picked up my first self-improvement book and fell in-love with the art of reading. With a knack for books, I believe it is natural for people to become interested in writing as well. Hence, I am here on Medium to give it a shot.

What will I write about?

I plan to write about my life and experiences. As for specifics, possibly in the field of academics, student life, growth, self-improvement, books, and anything else I find myself wanting to write about. I will try to write as much as I can (hopefully the academic gods will spare me from flooding my room with assignments). Realistically, I can see myself posting twice a week here.

Now…who are you?

If you find any of these topics interesting or are a fellow student, book-worm, or writer consider liking or giving me a follow. (I will follow you too!)

I am so excited to get started here. Hope to grow with you all and thank you for reading through my first post!

That is all from me. See you around :))

— Jerome K.

