About Me — Jillian Amatt

This is the short version!

Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
About Me Stories


Photo Credit: Author

I have written a long version of My Story as well, which I will link below. As I was typing it, the familiar feeling of ‘Does anyone really want to know all this about me?’ crept in. The answer is that I’m not sure, so I decided to give people the option. If you feel moved to learn more about me, click the link at the bottom.

I was born in Banff, Alberta, Canada in 1976 and moved down the road to Canmore when I was three years old. Both towns are nestled into the Canadian Rocky Mountains and it is truly a stunning area. When most people dream of what Canada must look like, this is it. There are towering mountains, turquoise lakes and rivers, and green trees for miles. The air is clean and it is truly stunning. I will forever be so grateful for having grown up in such a wonderful place.



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
About Me Stories

I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!