About Me

Just your friendly, neighborhood Smol Salvadoran Cat Lady with a penchant for fancy words and run-on sentences.

Smol Salvadoran Cat Lady
About Me Stories
2 min readJul 28, 2022


I always thought of myself as a lost piece of the puzzle— and I never quite knew where I fit in. As a child, I was often an outsider hoping that I could somehow make the other kids like me. It wasn’t until I reached the big 3–0 that I started to really see my odd quirks as something I should be proud of.

I always wanted to be the ‘manic pixie dream girl’ of the story, even if she was just written for the character development of our main character. He still saw her as this beautifully flawed magical creature, and I wanted someone to look at me like that. I wanted to be loved. Adored. Even if it was superficial and empty. Cliche and overused in the most annoying ways.

But now, I have much greater aspirations.

Hell — I AM the main character.

I’m thirty-one years old and a ‘Human Resources Professional,’ whatever that means. By day, I’m just another cog in the corporate machine — a Human Resources Coordinator for a media conglomerate. By night, I can be whoever I want to be. But most days, I just go by Smol Salvadoran Cat Lady. I write because it makes me feel alive and helps me work through my emotions in a productive manner.

Do I have a niche?… I was diagnosed with ADHD at 28 (27? 29?) years old and hyper-fixated on a different topic every week. Does that answer your question?

Let’s consider this a social experiment. Most of the articles I’ve read on Medium say that you have to find a niche to become a successful writer. Let’s see if that’s true. Forrest said that life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you’re going to get… so my blog will mirror life in that way. I am passionate about everything from wellness in the workplace to true crime and the paranormal. Maybe throughout this experiment, I’ll find a specific niche, or maybe I’ll just be another oddball rambling on the internet.



Smol Salvadoran Cat Lady
About Me Stories

Fear & loathing in the time of COVID — or whatever HST would call this. I used to write stories on an old Mac as a kid, now I write nonsense on the internet.