About Me — John Pucay

Karinderya Love Songs, my debut novel, is available on Amazon

John Pucay
About Me Stories


Photo of Author by Daryl Verzosa.

“We learn our lessons through the broken shards we pick up, piece by piece, later, when everything is over and apologies are realized too late.”

Karinderya Love Songs is a 2020s dating and sex literary fiction novel set in Baguio and Metro Manila, Philippines. You can learn more about the novel here.

Did you like some of my writing? Feel free to buy me a coffee here.

Born in Baguio City, Philippines, and raised by a jeepney driver father and a budget-savvy mother; I worked as a call center agent while in college and then became a graphic artist/animator for a nationwide media company after graduation. In mid-2018, I moved to Metro Manila and worked as a marketing director.

I was fired after 5 months.

During my 3rd month of unemployment, frustration led me to write an article that I sent to the Philippine Daily Inquirer on a whim. PDI published my piece in a week and readers started offering me a job. That’s how I discovered I could probably write for a living.

I quit my corporate profession in 2020 to pursue writing full-time. Coming from a family that lives below the poverty line in the Philippines, I had to make my writing earn. So far:



John Pucay
About Me Stories

Author of Karinderya Love Songs; a 2020s dating and sex literary fiction novel. More details at johnpucay.com. Or https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B3WF1YF8/