Author contributed engagement photo — Amara Photography

About Me—Joscelyn Kate

I‘m not quite sure of exactly who I am.

Joscelyn Kate
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2021


I like to think I’m an open person, but I’m fairly deliberate in my communication so I can come across as closed off or reserved. I try to communicate efficiently but I think people sometimes see that as practiced.

I’m socially awkward—working on it—but I would say being closed off is one of the biggest misconceptions about me.

I don’t try to keep things private, and I’m always happy to share experiences and opinions, or ideas. I worry though, that I’m boring as hell so I probably tell fewer personal stories than others. Let’s hope for your sake, I’m not…

Who is Joscelyn Kate?

For me, knowing who I am is about knowing how other people experience me. I like to get feedback about what vibes people get from me when we communicate, how they feel around me, or when they see me coming. Who I am is a team effort, in need of myself, and a reflective body.

I’m always searching to fill that reflective body—my community—with the right people who I respect, trust, like, admire and love.

However, if there were a list of specific things that are consistently reflected back to me from my community, I’d say it’s the following:

I’m an eternal, unrealistic

